Chapter Six

186 10 30

Warnings: Profanity, angst

Word Count: 2742

Authors' Note: Enjoy the chapter! :)

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October 2014 - Middle of the Quiet is Violent Tour

You idly stirred your coffee with one hand as you texted out a message to Beau with the other. The tour bus was quiet, aside from Tyler and Jenna chatting on the couch across from you. Josh had just come back from a run and was currently showering before all of you got a start on the day.

"Are you going to be ready to leave once Josh is out of the shower?" Jenna asked, looking over to you.

Ever since she had joined you and the rest of the boys on tour a few days ago, the two of you had become fast friends. You already found yourself going to her every time something new with Josh came up, and she already knew all the details of your rocky relationship, right from the moment that you joined the tour crew. You hadn't realized how much you needed a best friend - that wasn't one of the boys - on tour until she came along.

"Leave? Where are we going?" you asked, finally setting your phone down.

"You, me, and the boys are going to explore the city on our day off."

A chill ran down your spine at the mention of the boys, because that undoubtedly included Josh. The two of you still hadn't had a discussion about what happened that one day at the beginning of tour and had been avoiding each other because of it. Tension was always present when you were in a room together.

"I think I'm going to pass. Beau wanted to FaceTime later."

Jenna shook her head, "You're coming. It's decided."

"Jen," you pouted.

"We're going to go out there and have fun, ok?" She leaned around Tyler for a moment to check the bathroom door, then added in a whisper, "And you and Josh are going to tolerate being around one another for awhile."

You groaned and leaned your head back against the wall, knowing there was no changing Jenna's mind once it was decided. She smiled and leaned back into Tyler's shoulder, letting her arms wrap lazily around him. He lightly ran his fingers along her arm, letting the slightest hint of a smile cross his face.

You didn't mean to stare at them, but it was hard not to when you began to think about sitting with Josh on that same couch with your arms wrapped around one another. Warmth began to spread throughout you, matching the places where Josh's arms had been wrapped around you.

"I'm going to get ready," you said, standing up so suddenly that you nearly spilled your coffee all along the table. "Oh sh-"

"Hey!" Tyler said, pointing a finger at you. "We do not tolerate that kind of language on the bus!"

"Shove it, Joseph," you laughed.

You grabbed your coffee cup and wandered towards your bunk where all your toiletries were sitting. The shower had finally shut off, meaning the bathroom would be free for you to use before long.

"We leave in ten minutes," Jenna called after you.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be ready."

*      *      *

The streets of Austin were surprisingly warm as you wandered down them, taking in all the little shops and restaurants. Jenna and Tyler were at the front of your tiny group, blissfully unaware of the silence between you and Josh as they walked along hand in hand. You had tried to break the silence a couple times, but no matter how hard you tried you just couldn't seem to get words out.

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