
180 8 25

Warnings: More fluff than you could ever imagine

Word Count: 1625

Authors' Note: This is it! The end of the series! We really hope that you enjoyed it :) and a huge thank you to everyone who kept up with this series as it went on, it means the world to us!

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June 2019 - End of the Bandito Tour

Jenna: Let's be cute today! Put on your cutest sundress and I'm going to be there in thirty to pick you up for a girl's day. We're getting our nails done!

That was the text that you had received less than ten minutes ago as you tore through your clothes in the closet that you shared with Josh. Finding the yellow sundress that you had instantly thought of, you quickly changed into it and slipped on some wedges that went perfectly with the color scheme you were going for. You did your makeup in record time, still making sure that it was perfect before moving to your hair, pulling it halfway up and into a cute messy bun. Spraying some perfume on to finalize your look, you heard the doorbell ring - instantly knowing that it was Jenna. Jim, who had been laying on the bed as you got ready, lifted his head up curiously as he heard it and instantly ran down the hall.

You made your way behind him and grabbed your cellphone and purse, hurrying over to the front door. Opening the door to reveal a smiley Jenna, you giggled a bit at her and then pulled her in for a big hug.

"Hey, you! I'm just going to leave Josh a note that I'll be leaving to go out with you. Just give me a second. I'll meet you out there."

"Okay, hurry up! We have stuff to do!"

Hurrying back over to your post-it notes, as Jenna reclosed the door to head back to her car, you grabbed a pen and quickly jotted down your location and that you'd be back later. Adding a little heart at the end, you said goodbye to Jim with a pat on his head and exited your home, locking it behind you. You got into her car and the both of you were off to the nail salon.

*     *     *

"You know that I never have my nails longer. They don't make things easy at work."

"I know, but it would be nice to see something different on you. Just to try! If you don't like it after 24 hours, then we can come back and get them fixed."

After thinking on it, you finally decided to give in and try for a bit of a longer nail. You may have budged on the subject, but you weren't going to completely move. After getting your nails done and feeling pampered, you both decided on having lunch at the nearest thai food restaurant. It had been forever since you had eaten it, so it was a never ending craving. You both got to talk about many things, including how life had been, how things were going in both relationships... everything under the sun. When she looked at her watch with a sigh, she looked up to you again and started gathering her trash.

"It's getting a bit late and I promised Ty that I would be back home to cook some dinner. You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go!"

*     *     *

The drive back home was filled with more discussion and light music playing in the background. No matter how much time the both of you spent together, there was never a shortage of things to talk about, and that's one of the many reasons why you loved Jenna. Finally pulling back into your driveway, you smiled to your best friend and leaned over to give her a hug.

"I'll talk to you soon, okay? Thank you so much for today. It was fun!" you exclaimed as you got out of the car to head inside.

With a smirk, she nodded and waved, "You're welcome!"

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