Chapter Seven

179 9 14

Warnings: Profanity, angst

Word Count: 2551

Author's Note: Sorry I forgot the date on the last chapter! It takes place about a month before this one, just fyi! Anyway, that aside, we hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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November 2014 - Towards the End of the Quiet is Violent Tour

Laughter filled the bus as you and Tyler were playing a bit of Mario Kart with one another. There wasn't really anyone else around at that moment to play with him as Josh was in the back busy with something and Jenna had left to go back home. Sitting on the couch with controllers in your hands, the both of you were doing whatever you could to cheat and make the other mess up. Yelling to scare them, nudging, talking crap... it was just a good time between friends and you had needed it after plenty of stressful shows. The whole ordeal with Josh had lightened up a bit, but things were still a little awkward so talking still wasn't the first thing on your list to do with him.

Once Tyler won the round, you groaned as a sore loser would and leaned back fully into the couch to stretch your back. He laughed at you and grinned, pumping his fists in the air yelling, "I am the victor!"

Narrowing your eyes over to him, you shook your head and tried your hardest to not give him the satisfaction of laughing or smiling at his words. But, you couldn't help it, so you let out a soft chuckle. Hearing your phone ding, you looked down to see that you had received a text from Jenna which made you feel happier than you already had been. But, it was the usual text that you should've been expecting.

Jenna: Please go and talk to Josh. Please. Tyler is constantly talking to me about how pissed he is that he has to be the middle man. And Josh is always asking about you.

You made a face and then put your phone in your pocket before looking back to Tyler who had quieted down after turning off the game console. He looked down to his watch and cursed under his breath, hopping up from his spot on the couch.

"I need to go for a while! The guys need me to help out with some things," he explained as you nodded over toward him in acknowledgement. He clicked his tongue and threw up a peace sign with his fingers before exiting the bus and leaving you and Josh alone. He seemed to have a knack for doing that sort of thing. After a bit of time spent resting your eyes, you heard a shout come from the back of the bus which caused you to perk up a bit.

"Hey, Ty, I need help wi- oh." Josh stopped dead in his tracks after entering the room to only see you there, staring at him.

"Tyler just left to go and help with something," you let him know and he nodded his head quickly and looked down.

"Ok, no problem," he said simply and turned to head back to where he came from.

"Wait, Josh! Did you say that you needed help with something?"

He stopped what he was doing and then slowly turned back to face you, swallowing hard for a moment.

"Well, yeah, actually. I'm... kind of dying my hair. I need some help with getting it all over my head." He shrugged a bit and shoved his hands in his pockets.

You smiled a little to him and then stood up from you spot and nodded, walking over to close the space between you before stopping to give a decent amount of space.

"I can help. I'm your girl."

A grin slowly appeared on his lips and he nodded, motioning for you to follow.

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