Chapter Eleven

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Warnings: Angst, profanity, drunk shenanigans, mental abuse, Beau is a HUGE a**hole

Word Count: 3079

Authors' Note: We hope you enjoy the chapter! :) Well, maybe aside from when Beau is in it...

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February 2017 - After the Grammys After Party

"Do you think he's going to be ok?" Jenna asked quietly.

You looked over at Josh, who was currently passed out on the Josephs' couch. It had only been a few minutes since you got back to the house, but it had been the perfect amount of time for Josh to get comfortable and pass out. That wasn't really a surprise to you, though. After a few too many drinks at the after party and a night of shenanigans, the sickness and exhaustion was finally hitting him.

"I hope so," you said, turning back to Jenna.

"Should we call him an Uber?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea," you sighed. "He might puke in the backseat."

"Then what do we do?"

"Let me talk to him."

You walked over and took a seat on the couch near Josh. As gently as you could, you started to push at Josh's shoulder, hoping it was enough to wake him up. After a few seconds, he slowly blinked his eyes open and turned to look at you.

"Did I fall asleep?" he asked.

"Yeah, you did."

"Am I at Tyler's?"

"Yeah." He sighed and dropped his head back to the couch. "How are you feeling, Josh? We need to get you home."

"Terrible." You pursed your lips, trying to decide what to do from here on out. Before you had a chance to make a decision, Josh spoke again. "Can you take care of me?"

"What?" you asked, unsure that you had heard him correctly.

"Can you take care of me?"

"What, like take you home?"

"And stay with me."

"Josh, I have to get home to Beau at some point."

Josh made an audible noise of disgust. You barely managed to hold back a laugh, even though you knew it was wrong.

"You don't have to stay all night," he mumbled. "Just a little while. Please."

You turned to look at Jenna for some sort of reassurance, but she had disappeared. The decision was up to you and you alone, it seemed. To be fair, Josh did seem like he was in pretty bad shape and Beau didn't know how long Grammy after parties went on...

"Ok, but I can't stay long."

"You're coming?" Josh asked, the excitement in his voice was obvious.

"Only for a little."


"Alright, you stay right here. I'm going to go tell Jenna and Tyler what's going on."

You found the two of them in the kitchen, having a quiet conversation while Jenna drank some water. They turned to you as you walked in the room.

"How is he doing?" Tyler asked.

"Still bad, but I'm going to take him home and stay with him for a little while so you two don't have to deal with him."

"Oh, you are?" Tyler asked, raising his eyebrows. Beside him, Jenna was smiling against the rim of her cup.

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