Chapter Ten

183 9 41

Warnings: None

Word Count: 2904

Authors' Note: We hope you enjoy this Beau-free chapter! :)

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February 2017 - The Grammys

You couldn't stop staring at yourself in the mirror as the stylist did the finishing touches on your hair. It was definitely a new experience for you, to be doted on by makeup artists and stylists, but it was something you could see yourself getting used to. The final product - in this case: you - was stunning to say the least.

Next to you, Jenna was pulling on her heels. The bright yellow of her dress kept catching your eye as she moved around the room, occasionally being stopped by her own stylists as they noticed little details that were out of place.

"Ok, you're done," the stylist smiled, resting a hand on your shoulder.

You turned your head slightly, admiring the waves in your hair and the elegant bun that the top half had been pulled into. The last time you had felt this beautiful was Jenna and Tyler's wedding, and that had been years ago.

"Thank you so much," you smiled, turning to the stylist. "My hair looks gorgeous."

"You look gorgeous," she said, returning your grin.

You grabbed your own heels from nearby and pulled them on before getting out of the chair that had been carried into the bathroom for this occasion. Slowly, you hobbled your way over to where Jenna was standing on her phone. Heels had never been your first choice of shoe, even for formal events, but you figured an exception had to be made for the Grammys.

"Are the boys ready?" you asked.

"Just about," Jenna answered, not looking up from her phone. "But I want to get a couple pictures of us before we head downstairs to meet them."

She finally looked up from her phone, getting her first proper glance at you. Her eyes lit up as she took in your appearance, from the glossy nude lipstick to your earrings.

"Y/N!" she gasped. "Look at you!"

"Look at me? Look at you!" you said, reaching out to rest a hand on her arm.

"Look at us!" she giggled, turning both of you towards the mirror.

Your eyes widened as you looked at your reflection standing next to Jenna's. It was weird to see the two of you dressed up like this after so many nights spent at her house in sweatpants with your hair thrown into messy buns. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling.

"We look like a couple of highlighters," you said.

"You heard Tyler, we have to wear yellow dresses."

"What an interesting choice."

"Hey, at least you'll match Josh's hair. Here, let's take a couple pictures."

Jenna pulled out her phone and together the two of you cycled through a variety of poses as Jenna took pictures. Even before seeing the final result, you knew at least a few of them would end up framed in your house.

"Alright, enough fun. We should get downstairs before Tyler has a fit."

You linked arms with Jenna and allowed her to lead you out into the hall. Even from the bedroom, you could hear the commotion downstairs from the boys and their own stylists. Your heart was pounding from the anticipation of seeing Josh all dressed up in a suit again, as well as what had happened the last time he was in a suit.

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