Chapter Sixteen

173 9 7

Warnings: All sorts of fluff

Word Count: 2945

Authors' Note: Sunday posts are back! Also, this is the last full length chapter of this series, so we hope you enjoy it :)

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October 2018 - Beginning of the Bandito Tour

"The stage is all prepared!"

"Do you know what we did with Tyler's ukulele?"

"At what time do the boys end Pet Cheetah?"

It had been a year - a year - since Tyler and Josh had placed themselves on a hiatus. Now they were finally back in action to start up their new Bandito Tour, leaving you a scrambling mess to make sure that everything got done on time. This was their biggest tour yet and you wanted to make sure that it was perfect for each and every show that they did. All shows that, unsurprisingly, were sold out each and every time. The fans hadn't let them down and you had known that they wouldn't, although you knew that the boys had become a bit apprehensive in regards to it.

Looking down to your checklist, you marked off a few of the items and then looked around to make sure that everything was in its place for the show that was about to start. Barking out orders in the nicest fashion, you made sure that everyone from the security team to the tech team were in position and ready to roll for when the time came.

"Make sure that the safety team is ready and waiting! There will be a lot of effects on stage, so we need to be careful!" you called out into your headset as you headed back toward the dressing rooms.

Heading to Tyler's door first, you knocked on it a few times to hear a shout on his end.

"Hey, it's Y/N/N. Just letting you know that we have about ten minutes before showtime. Be ready!" you shouted back through the door.

A brief acknowledgment received from him, you nodded and then made your way over to Josh's dressing room shortly after with a knock.


"Yeah, come on in!"

Turning the door handle, you slowly open the door and see Josh pulling on his shirt as you smiled to him. You closed the door behind you and then leaned against it to watch him, seeing him smile back.

"You ready to get back out there and make your fans happy?"

"God, you don't know how ready I am," he said as he put his shoes on.

A smirk appeared on your face as you kept your eyes on him, watching his every movement.

"Do you remember when I used to have to hold a blanket or towel over you and Tyler as you guys got dressed? Back when there were no dressing rooms?"

Thinking back that far made Josh laugh as he nodded his head in remembrance.

"Ah, I remember that well. It was awkward back then, but now it's just funny to think about. Like the time that Tyler pushed me into you and made us fall."

"Oh, god. I still have to get him back for that. He's such a brat..." you smirked.

"Hey, but all of his insistent nagging of us getting together finally paid off, right?"

You gave him a loving smile.

"It sure did."

Josh slowly wandered over to where you were standing and grabbed your hands, pulling you further into the room. He helped you jump up onto a table and stood in the space between your legs, resting his hands lightly on your hips.

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