Chapter Twelve

210 8 12

Warnings: Someone gets cheated on, related mentions of sexual activity (not smut), filthy dirty liars, profanity, angst

Word Count: 2629

Authors' Note: We hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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June 2017 - Tour De Columbus

A few months had passed since the dreaded morning that you reasonably liked to call "Dunsday" instead of "Doomsday" as it had been a complete and utter disaster. Not only had you made the mistake of falling asleep with Josh in his bed, but you also had paparazzi pictures of the both of you at the awards show spread all over Twitter, Instagram, E! News and probably a thousand magazines... online and physical copies. This was not pleasing to Beau and he had made it well known. You cringed at the mere thought of what he had said as it echoed in your mind to this day. The main reason why you had cooled things down between you and Josh. Luckily, you had Tour de Columbus to worry about shortly after that. Now... it was the end of the last day and things had gone amazingly well, despite you and Josh having some tension between you yet again. And again it was your fault.

The plan had been simple that night: finish up the tour and go out to celebrate with Tyler, Josh, and some of the crew with some dinner. Unfortunately, you felt like you were starting to come down with something and didn't want to risk getting sick. Walking over to the boys as they started prepping to leave for the night, you sighed deeply and made a face.

"I know that we've been planning this... but I'm really not feeling well tonight. I don't think that I'll be going with you guys tonight. Can we reschedule it for another day? I'll take the both of you out for a nice lunch or something."

They both looked to each other with disappointed glances and then back to you while nodding.

"Of course! We'll be available any time with the hiatus coming up. Just make sure that you get better, Y/N/N," Tyler responded and pulled you into a hug, causing you to laugh.

"Yes, Dad..." you smirked and then Josh brought you into a hug next. The first one the both of you had shared in a while - instantly making it awkward.

Clearing your throats, he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down to the ground after pulling away from the embrace. Tyler just rolled his eyes and made his way to the bus where Jenna had been waiting for him, as you and Josh were left alone to try and find out the words to say.

"T-Thank you for all of your hard work, Y/N. You know that it means a lot to Tyler and me. We couldn't have done this without you."

"I know. That's why I can't leave this band, right? You two would be hopeless without me," you teased.

A smirk appeared on Josh's lips as he looked back up to you and nodded his head.


After another quick exchange of a hug and a quick wave to Jenna and Tyler, you decided that it was time to go home early. You needed to just sleep in your bed and unwind after the long months of being away. Sure, you had been glad that you didn't have to see Beau for so long, but you had to suck it up and deal with it.

*     *     *

Home sweet home, you thought as you pulled into your driveway to park. You had plenty of luggage to take inside with you, but you would wait until tomorrow to go through it all and clean it. You were just too tired in that moment. Getting out of the car, you grabbed your purse and got your key to the house ready, using it to open the front door. You let out a sigh and locked the door up as you threw your keys back into your purse. Your eyes looked around the room and raised an eyebrow at how eerily quiet it was, unsure as to why. You had seen Beau's car in the driveway when you got there. Maybe he had gone upstairs to the bedroom to do some work at home? Putting your purse on the back of the couch, you made your way up the steps and toward the door. But, the closer you got... the more you heard some strange sounds coming from behind the closed door. With an eyebrow raised, you tried to decipher just what you were hearing, but then decided to just find out for yourself.

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