Chapter Nine

180 9 23

Warnings: Brief mentions of Beau

Word Count: 2719

Authors' Note: We hope you enjoy the chapter! :)

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December 2016 - Before Leg Three of the Emotional Roadshow

Parking your car in the driveway of Josh's home, you got out and instantly got hit by the freezing winds that had formed. December was always miserable in Ohio and you wanted nothing more than to curl up in front of a fire with a big blanket wrapped over you, but you had promised the boys and Jenna that you would be present tonight in order to help decorate the interior of Josh's house. He, thankfully, had done the exterior not too long ago and it looked beautiful. The bright lights shone down on your face as you hurried over to his front porch and knocked on the door.

Bouncing a little bit to stay warm and wrapping your arms around yourself, you waited only a few moments before the door was opened up to reveal a familiar smile in front of you.

"Hurry inside! You'll get sick!" Josh exclaimed and ushered you in, closing the door behind you, as you were greeted by Tyler and Jenna happily.

You smiled widely and waved, looking over to see how adorable the both of them looked in their matching ugly sweaters. It wasn't even Christmas yet, but they showed their spirit as often as they could that month. Suddenly, a pair of warm and strong arms wrapped around you from behind and they belonged to the one person that you wanted to be hugged by. You smiled and looked over your shoulder, realizing instantly how close he actually was to you and blushing almost instantly.

"Thank you for coming! We have the tree and it just needs to be decorated," he exclaimed, trying to brush off what he had just done as if it were no big deal. He let you go and then scurried over to said tree, reaching into a big box he had to pull out some ornaments. You slowly took off your coat to let it hang on the back of the nearest couch and saw Tyler and Jenna smirking in your direction, which caused you to roll your eyes. Making your way over in their direction, you stood beside Jenna and nudged her a bit before the both of you started giggling a bit and helping to put some ornaments on the tree with little help from Tyler. He was too busy trying to get the Christmas music on to liven the mood more than it was.

After a bit of time, Jenna gasped and caused everyone to look in her direction as if they were worried something was wrong with her. She quickly waved her hand to shoo away any worries.

"I forgot about the goodies! Y/N, come and help me!" she yelled and grabbed your arm, dragging you into the kitchen while you nearly tripped over things on the floor; causing Josh and Tyler to laugh.

After Jenna let go of your arm, she hurried over to the fridge and got out her necessary ingredients to start making the cookie dough mix. She looked over to you with a smile and pointed to the cabinets.

"Can you get me a few mixing bowls?"

"Of course!" you replied. It was obvious that she had brought everything over, because there was no way that Josh just had the correct things lying around his home.

Getting what she needed, you placed the bowls down on the counter beside her, receiving a thanks on her end. The both of you got to work on the cookies, wanting to make them extra tasty for the boys, and got into a small conversation about the upcoming holidays. When you got to thinking, what you were doing... it was almost as if you and Josh were in a relationship already. You were baking for him - and Tyler a little -, spending time in his home, and helping him decorate.

Isn't that mostly what girlfriends do?

"What has you so happy?" Jenna asked upon noticing the smile on your face.

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