3. Ride It Out

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We pulled up to my house about an hour later and I carried Sofi to her room and put her to bed. She let out a small sigh and snuggled into her sheets as I tucked her in. I left the door a bit open and went back downstairs to say goodbye to my mom.

She was seated at the island in the kitchen with her phone and car keys in hand.

"Thanks for coming today, mom" I told her, planting a kiss on her forehead. I stepped aside so she could get up and I could lead her out, but she didn't move. Instead she stayed seated and motioned for me to pull out a seat.

"When does he get back," she asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time on the shiny black stove.

"In 32 minutes and 23 seconds," I replied. She gave me a weird perplexed look. "I'm joking. Why," I asked.

Her keys made a loud sound as she dropped them onto the table and sat up straight.

"Zhara, you've just entered another new chapter in your life," she started.

"Oh my Go-"

"No no! Zhara, yes lurj yem," she said sternly (T: I'm serious). "There's no way you have a child now and a full time job and you still think it's okay for him to be around as some sort of eye candy. Get settled. Build a foundation for Sofi. If not him, find another one. I mean quite frankly, you could do better."


"And on top of that he works a desk job for a personal trainer company! Desk and personal trainer should not even be in the same sentence. " I snorted at her statement and got up from my seat.

"Mama, I've told you a gazillion times: Stop bringing that up. And definitely don't say that around him; don't tell him about what happened today either. I'd rather keep this Agent thing lowkey. In regards to him, as far as we are concerned, he works for TWP and he helps people and he's making a difference." I looked at my mother from the corner of my eye as I grabbed two empty wine glasses. She had a "you really expect me to believe that" face. I placed a glass in front of her and held up two wine bottles. Her stubborn self ignored the options and grabbed the 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon in the cabinet closest to her.

"Why are you giving me the cheap options? I'm your fucking mother, not your boyfriend." I put the two wines back, refusing to even entertain her. "And if he's making such a difference sitting on his ass all day then why the hell does he look like he's hungover every time he comes home?"

I crinkle my nose.

"It's tiring to sit on your ass all day," I said shrugging and winking at her as I took a sip of the cabernet she'd poured out for me. She fought the smile spreading across her face, but eventually gave in.

"Yes, sure," she said sarcastically. She only poured 3 sips into her glass and tossed it back. "At least he's bringing back $500 bottles of wine." I led her to the door and out onto the porch. "He could put that money to good use and perhaps bring home a ring. You've been together for two years and you're not exactly getting younger."

"Very cliche mom. Thank you," I said dryly. She blew me a kiss and got into her silver mercedes that one of my cousins she raised gifted her.

"Hamburir Sofi indz hamar," she yelled out the window as she drove off (T: Kiss Sofi for me). I waved to her speeding car and chugged the remainder of my drink. The six o'clock sun lay just on the horizon and the palm trees swayed in the breeze. I took in a breath and closed my eyes, taking everything in. I touched the badge on my hip and looked at it, still feeling like it was surreal. Work started in 2 weeks; around the same time as when Sofi was going to start her first day of Kindergarten.

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