19. For Sofi (Part 2)

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Sofi looked on at the people staring at her in disbelief.

She suddenly got self-conscious and clutched onto me tighter. "Mama, who are they," she whispered in my ear.

I didn't know what to say. This was a bad idea.

Abort this fucking mission.

You didn't have to tell me twice. I was already turning around before my mom stopped me.

"menk' petk' e herranank': Yes da ch'em karogh anel: Menk' da ch'enk' karogh anel," I whispered rapidly to her. (T: we need to leave. I can't do this. We can't do this)

"Yerekha, breathe," she cooed, slowly turning me back around.

I didn't feel safe. I clutched Sofi tightly as I felt my adrenaline start kicking in.

"Anahid," Mr. Fiorentino breathed out. It seemed he was having a hard time taking this moment in as well. I wanted to say that it would be hard to pin point Sofi as Marco's, but anyone who knew Marco could quickly make that accurate assumption.

So there was definitely no talking my way out of this one.

"Rossi," my mother said. She looked straight at Marco who looked sick; his skin had a grey undertone and his eyes looked heavy.

Either he didn't know or he was sick that he had to deal with his own mistake.

"This isn't happening," Natalia said, her mouth covered by her hand.

"Mama you said we were gonna come see daddy," Sofi spoke.

Shhh Sofi jeez.

Everyone's eyes widened at her words and I conceded.

Out with it.

"I need to also speak with Marco," I said.

"No fucking kidding," said Stephan angrily.

"Don't get angry with me," I replied with the same tone. "I told him the minute I found out. MULTIPLE TIMES." Sofi, not liking when I yelled, slid out of my arms but remained at my side.

"What," They all said in unison, everyone turning their attention to Marco.

"See. SEE! L'altro giorno ti ho chiesto se dovremmo aspettarci che altri bastardi varchino quella porta. Here we are," said Francesca to Mr and Mrs Fiorentino. (T: The other day I asked you if we should expect anymore bastards to walk through that door.)

My eyes snapped to her.

"Chiama di nuovo mia figlia un bastardo e renderò tuo marito vedovo e tuo figlio senza madre," I warned, my blood coursing rapidly through me. (T: call my daughter a bastard again and I'll make your husband a widower and your son motherless)

Her eyes widened, either at the threat or the fact that I understood what she said.

The room was silent as everyone took in my threat. Marco shifted in his seat and let his eyes roam my body before his expression changed.

"Marco can explain to you how he managed to miss this," I said, changing the conversation back to Sofi before I did something I'd regret.

It was as if Marco recalled something, most likely our conversation from my last time in Italy. In the blink of an eye, he gripped Rosalies throat and pulled her down to him.

Natalia gasped and Jessica got up to move away.

"Eri tu," he growled out. I looked at my mom who nodded when she saw my glance. (T: it was you)

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