16. In My Own Way

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I shuffled through the lobby and headed for the doors, where Erik was waiting for me. I made sure to not look suspicious as I crossed my arms on my chest, securing the sealed envelope beneath my top.

"Took you long enough," he said. I had barely made it to the car before he'd taken four long strides and extended his hand.

"Patience, jeez," I said as I carefully looked around before unbuttoning my black blazer. The blue envelope with the FBI seal fell into his hands and he smacked it with a smile.

"Thank you," he said. I gave him a half-assed smile and continued to play my part.

"Now do we have a deal?"

"Yes we do. This is the last you'll see of me," Erik replied. He looked down at his phone and turned around to see a car pull up behind mine. "I'll be on my way now. I was advised to tell you to stay safe and to distance yourself from this... mess."

I eyed him as he actually looked sincere and concerned.

"Uh-okay," I replied hesitantly. He walked to the car and was gone just as quickly as he came.

My heels cracked against the marble floor of the lobby and I got into the elevator; I pressed the fourth floor, heading there to meet my team to go over the plan.

I opened my phone to see a missed call from my mom.

"Hello," I said once I'd called back and she'd picked up.

"I know you're at work, but look at these. Aren't they stunning," she practically squealed. I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at the screen. I accepted the FaceTime call and shook my head.

"Mama," I whined. The doors to the elevator opened and I smiled at a coworker walking in. I stepped out into the hallway and headed for the conference room.

"You don't like it," she asked, turning the dress around. "It's floor length and the yellow will really—."

"Mama, I honestly don't care. I probably won't stay long if I end up going."

She gasped and turned the camera to face her. "So you're going," she asked excitedly.

I frowned. "I said IF. That's still to be determined but as of right now it's still a solid no." She shook her head and held up the dress.

"Well I'm going to get a few dresses, just in case."

"Don't spend your money, Ma. Don't bother," I told her, slightly annoyed by her persistence.

I started off the day pissed at the thought of going to that baby shower, then midday I'd questioned my selfishness. At this very moment, Sophie was going to have to live without ever seeing that man.

"I have to go. I have a meeting. Please don't forget to pick up Sofi," I told her.

"Oh yes! I have to pick up some dresses for Sophie too!"

"No. Mama I said don't forget—."

"Oh, I can not wait for him to see her. I'll call you later. Yerani yerekha," she said before ending the call. (T: bye baby)

I pushed the door to the conference room open and was met with the eyes of Dexter, Max, and Callie.

"Long bathroom break," Max stated. I rose a brow and Callie spoke in my defense—kinda.

"Maybe she was taking a shit. What's it to you," she said nonchalantly with a pen in the corner of her mouth. I sat beside Dexter and grabbed the file that was at my seat.

"Where's Kevin," I asked them.


"Hello, sorry I'm late," the director said as he walked in.

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