34. Ditch Bitch

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The ride to wherever Cane was keeping Rosalie was filled with me explaining my theory to a seething Marco.

"You don't have to try to convince me. It makes sense. It's always her... always," he said, the glock on his leg trembling with ever shake of his foot.

Cane pulled into a strip mall parking lot and turned off the ignition. He reached over Marco and opened the glove compartment, grabbing keys and his gun.

I looked at our surroundings, trying to think of how the hell he hid Rosalie in such a busy area. People were coming in and out of the mini-mart and the bakery beside it.

"So where is she," I asked as we stepped out. He kicked the car door shut and started to walk back towards the street.

"Next door," he replied, his arm raised as he locked the doors. Marco and I looked at each other and followed him. I was about to ask where we were headed but figured it out as soon as we turned the corner.

The dingy and what looked like an abandoned motel I'd seen on the drive over loomed, almost blocking the early afternoon sun.

"It'd raise suspicion to park here," he explained when Marco and I looked at the place. We all took the creaky stairs two at a time, with me holding onto the railing.

We walked to room 202 and stopped. I turned around to look out at the empty street, which while quiet, still played quiet echoes of the neighboring mall.

Cane unlocked the door and Marco cocked his gun, to which Cane froze and turned to him, resting his hand on the gun.

"Answers first," he whispered. Marco clenched his jaw and went to push open the door, but Cane gently pushed him back, grabbing the gun from Marco, who didn't hesitate to let him have it, which I found odd considering how angry he was.

"Fine. My hands will do," Marco said quietly.

Apparently it wasn't quiet enough.

"Amore is that you?"

We all froze, staring at the room number on the door as if expecting it to speak.

"Marco," her voice came out again. "Marco, baby, I'm in here!"

Marco motioned for Cane to step aside and he did, allowing Marco to walk in first.

"Grazie Dio! I knew you'd find me," she said with relief. Her smile quickly faded when Cane and I walked in. (T: thank God)

I almost gasped when I saw the state in which Cane left her. She sat tied to a filthy chair, her feet in a bucket of ice that had frost rising; her ankles were tied to the legs of the chair, preventing her from pulling her feet out.

A few shivers ran through her but she fought to hide them, focusing on me. Her green eyes were searing into my skin and I returned the favor, the anger from Marcos revelation coming back to me.

"Ice," Marco asked Cane who walked past him and set the guns onto the dresser, making sure it was in Rosalies line of view; she had pulled her gaze away from mine and was keeping an eye on Cane.

There was fear in her eyes as she made sure to watch every move of his.

"In case she managed to get loose and run off," Cane replied, pulling a chair from the corner of the room and placing it diagonal from Rosalie, plopping down and smiling at her.

"Can't run if you don't have feet," he added, pointing at her faded blue feet.

"Thank Maria your okay! I know we left things really bad and I heard about what happened and I was on my way to come visit you and then this il cane bastardo att—." (T: mutt)

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