27. In My Recovery

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I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked around the dark room only lit by the monitors and the moonlight streaming through the window.

How'd I get here?

I knew the drinking was starting to become a problem, but Rosalie had really done it this time. I'd been using it as a coping mechanism for dealing with what my life had become.

Living with Rosalie as my wife, unwillingly, was the greatest sacrifice I'd ever made. It would actually be the second huge sacrifice I'd made because of that bitch, the first being when I was young and naive thinking leaving the throne for her would be worth it.

I lay my hand on my stomach where there was a bruise.

I almost lost my life because of that woman.

I knew what I wanted to do to her, but at the same time I didn't. Death would be too easy for Rosalie, but her existence would be too hard for me.

After Natalia, Stephan and Jessica came in, the police followed suit not too long after. I wasn't too worried about them because, of course, they were easily bought. Stephan handled that for me as I passed out from the meds.

Now I was awake and debating my next move.


A smile crept on my face.

Yes. Zhara would be my next move, but only after I'd gotten rid of Rosalie. I couldn't put her through what my family had five years ago. This nightmare I was in had to end before the dream I'd been longing for all this time began.

Just us.

I looked out at the sky and imagined our life.


My eyes darted to the corner of the room. I stayed quiet, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the pitch black corner. As they did, I started to see a form.

My heart monitor didn't fail to alarm whoever it was of my awareness of their presence.

"Calm down," the form spoke.

Is that... no way.

"Who are you," I asked. The form stood and pushed the chair, which was making an obnoxious noise across the floor, closer to me.

It was still at a distance, but close enough to the light coming through the window.

My heart really sped up when I saw who it was.

"What the," I said in surprise.

"Dude, seriously calm down. I'm not here to do anything."

"Cane," I asked, making sure I wasn't hallucinating. "Is that really you?"

He rolled his eyes. "In the flesh."

I eyed him warily, to which he sighed and came closer, this time within arms reach.

"Woah," I exclaimed and shifted at his sudden movement.

"Trust me you're not high. The nurse came in earlier to stop that thing," he said pointing at the almost empty fluid bag. "I suspect she'll be back soon with a new one."

"... yeah," I responded slowly.

"Are you done staring," asked Cane, annoyed.

"I thought you were dead. Forgive me if I think I'm a ghost whisperer or something."

He laughed.

"You're not. I'd think you were if maybe you saw Rosalie in here."

"What do you mean," I asked, now questioning why I was casually talking with the guy— my half-brother that tried to overthrow me.

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