11. Marco

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*Matteo is Zharas father.*

Marco POV

"Grazie signore. Spero che dopo questo incontro sia stato in grado di assicurarti attraverso la mia parola che la nostra lealtà nei tuoi confronti non finirà," I told the two leaders before me (T: Thank you gentleman. I hope after this meeting I was able to ensure you through my word that our loyalty to you will not end.)

The leader of the Turkish mafia, Yusuf, stood first and shook my hand. "Prenderò la tua parola per questo. Ma se qualcosa va giù come l'ultima volta, la tua parola non significa merda," he replied. (T: I'll take your word for it. But if anything goes down like last time, your word won't mean shit.)

I nodded and he stepped aside to allow Basil to come forward. He gave me a long stare before extending his hand and shaking mine. "Like Yusuf said, if I put my resources forwards you and you don't keep your word, forget this ever happened. My people suffered because of your families mess. The change in leadership in your family is the only reason I'm putting faith in this agreement. Hopefully you're better than your father," Basil said.

I smiled on the outside but winced from within. Another pound of pressure placed on me was starting to give me more than headaches.

"The first shipment of weapons will come by next week," said Yusuf and the two left the room. I let out a deep breath and fell back into the seat Basil had just been in.  I rubbed my temples furiously and leaned my head back.

The sun was peering through the somewhat small crack in the curtains. It's warmth was calling to me and I figured I'd answer the call. I quickly moved Yusuf and Basils mafia from the enemy side to the Allie side of my list, put the papers away, and headed for my room.

I had just finished tying my swim trunks when I heard a loud clang coming from downstairs. I paused to listen and I heard it again.

"You fucking bitch!! Nenavizhu tebya! Ubiraysya! Da otvali ty ot menya," yelled Jessica (T: I hate you! Get out! Get away from me!). The door a few doors down from my room slammed and I heard running in the hallway. I instinctively ran out of my room as well and saw Stephan barreling down the stairs. When we both arrived downstairs and in the kitchen, we stopped.

Jessica had thrown what appeared to be cake batter at Rosalie.

"What the fuck did you do to her," asked Stephan to Rosalie through gritted teeth. Rosalie had her arms spread out and she was staring at her batter smeered sun dress.

"Nothing! I simply asked her how she was doing cause she didn't look so good," she replied. Stephan and I both looked at each other and then back at her.

"That's not all ty zlaya suka," Jessica said (T: you evil bitch). Her face was red with anger and Stephan walked to her side and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"And I may have mentioned how massive she is," Rosalie said nonchalantly. "But that's a compliment. I mean it's a part of creating life-."

"Shut. The fuck. UP," yelled Jessica, who was getting ready to grab the bag of flour, but was stopped by Stephan. Natalia came in, sunglasses on her face and a glass of champagne in her right hand.

"What's going on," she asked.

"You also said that Stephan's going to leave me after I have the baby because it runs in his blood."

"What?! Never baby, and you know that," he reassured Jessica. He then turned to Rosalie who was casually wiping the batter off her dress.

"What the fuck are you even talking about," he asked her.

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