20. Lady in Red

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Rosalie POV

I watched as Marco pulled her into his chest. His smile was plastered onto his face as he looked down at her, lifting her chin up so their eyes could meet.

I stayed in my position on the balcony until she left, making sure Marco didn't do anything that would make me have to do anything... drastic.

The car disappeared through the gates and into the night, and I watched as Marco stood where the car had been.

He ran a hand through his soft hair and turned around to walk back into the house.

The nights revelation had been more of a surprise to me than anyone in that room, rest assured. I stormed through the hall and into our room, searching for my phone. I knew Marco wasn't coming up here, avoiding me until I fell asleep.

"Ddum, how are y-."

"Cut the fucking pleasantries dad," I growled at Matteo. I made sure to lock the bedroom door and wriggled my way out of my dress. I heard him sigh on the other line.

"What's the problem now, Rose," he asked.

"What's the problem? Oh, let me think. Your fucking demon seed came into my house tonight and decided to bring her own little creature with her. The creature that YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT!" I felt my body heat up as anger surged through me.



"ROSALIE LOWER YOUR FUCKING VOICE OR SEE WHAT HAPPENS," he shouted back. I obeyed, hesitantly, knowing what he meant by the threat. I wasn't about to lose Marco just because I couldn't control my tone.

"Mi dispiace," I finally said. (T: I'm sorry)

"Good. Listen, I just found out about her as well. I had no idea."

"I feel like you're lying. How did you not know you had a fucking grandchild?"

"The same way you didn't. I never fathomed it. But recently, during one of my dealings, an old rival of mine made an appearance," Matteo said, lowering his voice.

"Who? What does that have to do with-," I interrupted.

"If you'd let me finish." I huffed and stared at my figure in the mirror.

"As I was saying, an old rival of mine decided to resurface and approached me with a deal," he continued. "I, of course, didn't want to agree at first, but he gave me some very... intriguing information. In that information was the new discovery that I have a granddaughter."

"When did he approach you? When did you find out about this," I asked, feeling my hands tingle at the need to strangle someone, anyone.

"... two years ago," he said after a moment of silence.

"TWO YEARS?! AND-  and you didn't think it was important to fucking tell me? Now how the hell am I supposed to get him to give me an heir? He didn't want one before but now? NOW HE DEFINITELY DOESN'T!"


"NO DAD. I was so close. He was finally succumbing. It took him fucking four years but he was getting there. Seeing that fucking skeleton, russian cagna pregnant was the last little push he needed to finally get some sense and knock me up. But noooooo, you didn't think it was important to handle this news you got even though you had TWO YEARS! TWO YEARS!! It-."

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