6. Cheater

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"Excuse me! Excuse me. Scusami," I said as I ran past people. (T: I'm sorry)

The doors of the Da Vinci airport opened up for me and the sleek Mercedes doors were held open for me by the valet.

"Zhar-," he began.

"That's me," I yelled, taking the key from his hand and tossing my bag in the back.

"Your GPS has been programmed already. Follow the path. It'll lead you to the last place we saw Anton," said Max in my ear. I held the wheel with one hand and put on my seatbelt with the other.

"Last place," I asked.

"We've lost him again. The tracking we had on him from your watch has clearly failed to hold up so we've been using the cameras to pin point his vehicle, using facial recognition, everything. But he's dropped off the radar."

I made a sharp right to avoid the traffic backed up in the terminal exit lane.

"When you get 20 miles from the location, slow down. Around 10 miles, start walking. Whatever's out there probably has security that could pick up on you arriving. Walking reduces quick exposure."

I nodded as if he could see me and blinked furiously to get rid of the 'sleep tears' (as Sofi called them) piling up as I swerved between cars.

Max stayed on the line for a few more minutes and talked to me about the Carabinieri that was gearing up and waiting for further instruction once I'd see what was at this location.

It was 11:18 pm when I finally arrived. I turned off the headlights and the engine, grabbing my night visions.

"I'm here. I'm going on foot now," I said to Max. I hopped out and made my way through the woods. Little yellow eyes would peer at me from the base of trees and rustling leaves fell on me when the birds flew from tree to tree.

I'd walked the long route and made it to a wide open... wheat field? I lifted my goggles, seeing that the moon wasn't obstructed by trees and it was shining brightly, to get a better look.

"Tell me what you see girl," Max said.

"Nothing but wheat. Are you sure thi-," I began but was cut off by the faint noise I heard. I fell onto my chest and lay in a prone position, placing my finger tips onto the ground and feeling a vibration.

"Wheat? Madison, did you-." I lowered the volume and squinted.

I swear something just moved.

I pulled out my binoculars and watched. Nothing happened and for a second I thought I'd imagined it. Then, a dark shadow emerged from a patch of fields.

And another one.

And another one.

"Max, I count 12 of them," I said into my earpiece. There were 12 shadows suddenly standing in the field. They walked towards my 11 and I angled myself to get a better view. Headlights shown from the direction they were heading in and I saw him.

"Eyes on Anton," I whispered. "He's getting into a car with the rest of his guys."

"Think you can follow them," Max asked. I turned my head to look back in the direction I had come from.

"By the time I get back to my car, they'll be long gone. My cars about an hour away on foot," I said.

"Shit. Okay Madison is trying to connect your device to one of their devices. Try your best to get closer without being seen."

I got onto my feet and crouched. I semi ran in their direction and stayed low, making sure to prevent the moon from catching a glimpse of my moving figure. I got close enough to be within earshot.

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