10. Sulfur

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I rolled down the window of the hot and stuffy SUV. The loud whipping sound of the thick Texas wind filtered into the car.

"We're almost there," yelled Max over the wind from the passenger seat. Callie and I nodded and a sleeping Dexter groaned in response. The driver made a left onto the street and the house fell into view. There were police tapes surrounding the property and one cop car in sight.

"Here's good," said Max to the driver. The car slowly came to a halt and I nudged Dexter. I put on my black shades and approached the cop car. Two cops stepped out with their hands placed on their weapons.

"FBI," I said, flashing my badge. Max, Callie, and Dexter did the same. The cops gave each other a look and retracted their hand from their guns.

"Hi, I'm Ranger Matthew and this is my partner," Matthew began, tipping his large brimmed hat at us.

"I'm Ranger Daniel. Pleasure to meet you all," Matthews partner said, shaking my hand.

"I'm Special Agent Zhara. This is Special Agent Max, Dexter, and Callie."

"Sorry about the somewhat aggressive greeting. Too many people have been curious about the sudden buzz in this small town," said Ranger Matthew. Max lifted his hand as if to say 'no worries' and we followed the Rangers to the house. I lifted the caution tape and ducked through.

"The scene didn't really give us much and because of that we should of just ended things there. But, once the FBI got a hold of us, it garnered too much attention from neighbors and so now people are curious," spoke Ranger Daniel. He pushed open the door and stepped aside to let us through.

"Curiosity leads to one thing after another, and next thing you know people are breaking in," he finished.

"Have there been break-ins," asked Dexter as he put on his gloves.

"One. We couldn't really identify the person and they escaped," replied Ranger Matthew.

"So the scenes been tampered with," said Callie, shaking her head as she looked around.

"Oddly enough, no," said Ranger Daniel. "We did a sweep and there was nothing. You would think they were never here."

I frowned at his words. How could there have been a break in and yet no signs? The team and I split up to observe the scene. Ranger Matthew followed me to the kitchen and stood in a corner to stay out of my way.

I pulled on my gloves and took out my camera, snapping a picture of the room as a whole. Then, I lowered myself and did a little bear crawl around the room to see the footsteps from the pictures on file. I snapped a few fading footprints and stood.

"Usually y'all are really good about telling us in advance if y'all are coming. What happened," asked Ranger Matthew. I walked over to the window by were he was and took a picture of the sill.

"Um, well. We're not really here on any orders. We came on our own because our director is having us do some sort of scavenger hunt to see where the light could've possibly come from." He nodded and looked off in wonder.

"This house been abandoned for 18-20 years or so," he began. "And like we said earlier, this town is pretty damn quiet so even the slightest bit of disruption is enough to get anyone's attention. It's both a blessing and a curse," he chuckled. I smiled at him and positioned myself directly in front of the window and not from the angle I was at before.

"That's the callers house," I asked him. He walked over to my side and nodded.

"Sure is," he replied. "That old bat of woman might've actually helped us find whoever y'all been looking for." He shook his head at her and we watched as she sat on her porch and sipped on something.

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