15. If I Could

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I carried a sleeping Sofi into her room and laid her down; she was already in her pajamas from our movie night and my mom had made her brush her teeth before we left.

I placed a small kiss on her head and walked out of her room, shutting the door softly. The door to my room shut behind me and I leaned against it, letting out a sign and closing my eyes.

"So you wanna do this now or do you need a few minutes," his annoying voice said.

"I-," I went to speak but stopped myself, feeling mentally defeated. I never ran out of things to think about and ponder on. The Fiorentinos, Sofi, the case, and now...

"I'll give you 20 minutes," he said. I opened my eyes and saw him sitting on my bed with his back against the headboard and a gun in his lap.

"I'm gonna need more than that," I said as I made my way to my closet. My fingers sifted through the hangers and found my silk bathrobe.

"I'm afraid that's all I can give you. I'm supposed to report back soon," Erik said. I could hear him taking out the bullets and putting them back in.

"If I tell you something, what do I get in return," I asked him, something coming to mind.

"You're not really supposed to gain anything from this. But I'm willing to negotiate if it'll get you to talk."

"You weren't so willing earlier so why now," I asked.

"Because earlier I had hours to get something out of you before I had to report back. And now I'm counting down the minutes."

I took off my top, my back still to him, and I put on my bathrobe. I fiddled with my bra and managed to slide it off without dropping the robe hanging off my shoulders. I tied the robe and turned to face him as I un-buckled my pants.

"In exchange for information, I need you to leave. As in don't come back."

"That's not an option," he said nonchalantly as he watched my hands pull my pants down at the waist.

"What exactly do you need from me? What exactly does my father want?"

"Whatever you're working on at your job," he muttered, eyes still tracing my action as I stepped out of my pants.

During my meeting with the director this morning, I couldn't help but be a little distracted by the fact that Erik was outside patiently waiting in my car. Waiting for me to come back with information on what I was working on.

This thought process prompted me to realize that Luca Salvestro had something to do with whatever it was my father wanted.

Later in the day I'd put together a file with fake information on the investigation, which was easy to fabricate since we hadn't really started it yet. It was enough somewhat-believable nonsense to hopefully get him off my back.

"You said my father sent you here to protect me. I don't need protection. I already have information on what we're planning to work on during this investigation. I think I can trade it with him if it gets you off my back," I said as I walked over to the laundry basket and tossed my clothes in.

"Your sudden change of spirit is making me think you are lying," he said. I turned to face him, already having prepared for this conversation.

"It's illegal what I'm about to do. But, I figured," I began as I walked towards him and sat at his feet, "maybe I could give you information and you can give me information."

"Now why in the hell would I do that," he raised a brow.

"You'd have time to prepare for whatever we have coming. Get your affairs in order, if you will."

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