《12th Grade》

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"Everything is going to be fine honey, no matter how life can fall apart easily, just build your way up higher than before."

So... I'm Emilyn Daysey, 17 years old, living with My uncle Kim. If your wonderring why I don't live with my parents is cause, I don't have them anymore... Basically there gone.

But that's not our topic right now. And now I have to go to school cause I'm going to be late.

Buzz.. Buzz.. Buzz..

I turned off my annoying alarm and walked lazily towards the bathroom. First day of school already going to be late, how great.

I fixed my lion hair, picked some random clothes and went downstairs. I might sound calm but I'm actually all doing this in a rush.

"Shit! I forgot my ID!" I went upstairs grabbed it and barely made it down.

"Keep fucking quiet!" Uncle Kim shouts but I didn't care. I grabbed whats on the frigde and flash all the way to school while chewing on the food.

I opened the door and thank god the teacher wasn't here yet, I sigh in relief. I was panting really hard from the free run I just did.

"Did you came from the zoo miss?" My annoying teacher mocked, he would always target me and embarass me infront the whole class.

I heard snickers and giggles from behind, great already a laughing at school.

"Please go to your seat." He commands, everybody laughs. So much for a good impresion on the first day.

"Goodmorning class! I'm Mr. Robinson and today is the first day of school of 12th grade!" Yey!

He points out the writing on the board that says 'first day of school!' With smiley faces around them.

Yeah like students are happy on the first day. I'm sure I am! Note the sarcasm.

We introduced ourselves and continued on class.

I had: Science, Math, English, History, P.E., and Arts on my schedule. I only went for English and Arts but hey, I have to learn to get a job.


Finally break time. I went to my locker and got my books for the next classes. As expected person... "Well, well, well, if isn't it Emilyn..." Its him.

If wondering who 'him' is, here's a little story. Hunter Jace, my... ex... bestfriend.

Me and Hunter were unseperable when we were young. We would just always go together. We we're like peanut butter and jelly, we would stick around together all the time.

Our parents are very good friends, so it would be wrong if they're child aren't friends right?

Sad to say I was only his best friend, but I never wanted him to only be a friend. He was my longest crush I've ever had, for almost 7 years!

Saying that he's attractive was an understatement, but that's not why I liked him. Its ridiculous how crazy talented he is; he's great in sports, great in cooking, and lastly, he's great in singing. If only I could hear he's voice one last time.

Thats enough reason why I had a crush on him. Keyword: Had. But it all fades when all of a sudden this girl came.

She hated me, she despise me, she likes Hunter too.

She's the reason for everything, if she's not here then Hunter and I would've still be friends

Hunter got bullied a lot in elementary school, people mocked him saying he's gay.

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