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I see uncle Kim sitting on the couch, beer bottles sorrounding him like he's doing some ritual.

I went upstairs and flopped on the bed. I plugged in my earphones to my music to listen to some beats.

Do you just rather have to listen to beats than songs? I mean like the beats in the coffee places, those kinda music makes me so calm and sleepy...

"Emilyn!!" A shout came from down stairs making me jolt up. I must've slept while listening to the music.

"Get your fucking ass down here!" Kim shouts. I groan and went downstairs.

I wasn't even at the kitchen he already shouts again. "Why is there no fucking food?" He shouts, omyghod I can smell his alchohol breath from here.

"I didn't have enough money to buy groceries." I explained. "What am I suppose to eat, Water?!" He shouts. I couldn't control my temper anymore, I'm so done.

"Well wont you be just a responsible guardian, and buy them yourself!" I spit back.

He stomps towards me and a sting on my cheek burned. I fell at the hard impact while the ringing in my ear continued.

"Don't fucking shout at me! It should've not been them who died, it should've been you!" He walks away to his room and slams the door closed.

I ran upstairs and locked myself in it the whole night.

He always says that... and he's right.. it should've been me.


5 years old

"Mom!" I cried running towards her. "Sweetie what's wrong?"

I looked up to my beautiful mom concerned face. She had beautiful white skin and gorgeous ruby eyes. Her wavy brown hair and pink lips are similar with mine.

"I twipped ovew the bwanch of thowns and this happened." I pointed at my knee full splinters.

"Aww baby don't cry." She says as she wipes off my tears.

"Dylan! Can you carry Emilyn at the car! I'll just get some supplies!" Mom shouts so dad can hear her from the parking lot.

"Here you go." He lifts me up and carries me to the car. "Aww baby, don't cry, mom will help you with this soon when we get home." He looks at my wounded knee and kissed my forehead. I look up at my dad with teary vision.

I mostly looked like my dad, we had the nose the shape of the face and eyes, lastly we we're both passionate in art.

Once we got home, dad carried me and sit me on the couch. I was having hiccups from crying off the pain.

"Ok honey, this is gonna hurt but if you can make it without crying we'll eat ice cream, does that sound good?" My mom smiles sweetly. I nod my head as she starts fixing my wound.

She placed a cute blue bandaged over my wound. "You did it honey. Well as promise..." She goes to the kitchen and brought out ice cream from the freezer.

"Ice cream time!" She happily says getting the cones and the scooper.

"Dylan come down here! Its movie night!" Mom shouts so dad can hear from upstairs.

"Coming honey!" He walks down stairs seeing the prepared ice cream and cones. "What's this?" Dad ask chuckling.

"Since Emilyn was a strong girl, this is her reward for it." Dad walks towards me and kisses my forehead. "My strong babygirl." He pinches my cheek gently.

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