《You Do Sing》

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Emilyn's POV

After eating

"Thanks for the food, but I'll get going now." I stood up not wanting to be with him anymore. "You really want to be kidnapped do you?" He does have a point, but he did that too!

"Well apperently this guy brought me to his house while I was passed out." I stated. "And leave a girl laying on the street? Yeah a gentleman wouldn't do that." Ha! A gentleman, since when? "A gentleman? Pff says what." I protest.

As I was about to walk towards the door I got picked up by two strong arms. "Oh your not going anywhere." He

"Put me down!" I started squirming out from his grip, which is no use since it didn't even do anything.

"No can do." He sat me down, and buckled me like I was a little kid or something. He closes the door and opens the driver seat's.

Just when he was about to start the engine I already conplain. "C'mon my house is just at the end of the neighboorhood." He groans in annoyance.

"Yeah says this fucking big neighborhood were creeps come out at night." I rolled my eyes at him. Well, he's not wrong, creeps always comes out at night.

"Whatever." I say in defeat. "And it takes only a 20 minute drive so no biggy." I sigh quitely, great, another ride of an awkward silence.

He starts the engine and drove to my house. I'm surprised he still remembers the way but I decided not to talk about it. I was quietly looking outside the window when all of the sudden music occured.

He started humming to the song and singing it quitely. I giggle remembering a memory when we were young.

He looks at me with a questioning look. "What?" I shook my head. "Nothing, its just I've always told you before you'd be a singer." I smile at him. He looks away trying to hide his. So cute..


8 years old

Our parents were downstairs talking at the kitchen, while we were playing in my room. We were singing to nursery rhymes and I noticed he already has a voice. Mr. Jace is actually a singer so that makes sense if Hunter is too.

I went downstrairs to grab apple juice when I over heard a conversation. "Hunter would be a great singer one day." My dad spoke. "Yeah, he would probably." Mr. Jace responed. "I'm already teaching him guitar." I lifted my eyebrows in amusement.

11 years old/6th grade

We were hanging out in his room when suddenly he brought out his guitar. "What song do you want to play?" He asks me.

"Umm.. I got nothin' in mind yet." I shrug my shoulders. "I'll do 'thinking out loud'." I nod as he started playing his guitar. I was astonished by his skills, he makes it seem so effortless.

"People fall in love in mysterious ways.." Ugh! His voice is angelic.

"Maybe just the touch of a hand..." So angelic.

"Oh me I fall in love with you every single day"

"And I just wanna tell you I am"

"So honey now"

"Take me into your loving arms"

"Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars"

"Place your head on my beating heart"

"I'm thinking out loud"

"Maybe we found love right where we are"

Omygosh my heart is loving what she hearin'

"Thats how far I can go." He says and chuckles nervously. I clap my hands in support. "You did so well! I never thought you'd sing really good." He shook his heades

"Your just saying that..." He pouts. Aww he's so freaking cute. "Nuh uh! I bet you 50 dollars that you sound the best!" I smile brightly causing his to errupt.

He goes forward and starts to tickle me. He was tickling me merciless. I could hear his small giggles which made my smile even wider. "S-Stop! Haha! I can't breathe... Hahaha!" I managed to breath out. He stops and giggles at me. "Thats what you get!" He sticks his tounge out. I do the same.

"Kids! Lunch is ready!" We look at each other. "First one to get there will get two pizza slices." He challenged. "Your on!"

End of flashback

"Were here." He spoke up, I looked to my right and saw my dark house. All the lights were off.

I unbuckled and went out the car. "Thanks for the ride." As I was about to close the door, Hunter calls for me. "Wait Emilyn!" I turn around slowly.

"Eat something okay." He said as a command and drove off. I smiled at the thought of him concerned. Wait, stop thinking like this! Your just assuming!

I entered the house. "Where the hell have you been?!" The demon shouts, making me jump. "I was doing a project at a friends house." I lied.

A slap was right across my face. "Fucking liar! You're nothing but a little slut whoring around this neighborhood!" He slaps me with such impact I fell to the ground. He grabs me by my collar shirt.

"Don't come home late! Understood??!!" I nod terrified. He lets go and stomps to his room.

I went upstairs crying myself off again. I didn't want to listen to Hunter, even tho he is right, weird people do come out at night. But I rather have been kidnapped than stuck with a fucking psychopath.

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