《In A Rush》

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Hunter's POV

Dismissal time

I was walking towards my car when someone bumped into me. The person lands on my chest, as quickly felt that familiar warm presense. Emilyn. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She apologized or more on she shouted. She seems to be in a rush. She was about to ran away but I quickly caught her arm.

"Woah, woah slow down." I said and she looks up to me. Her brown hazel eyes were glowing from the light of the sun. But that glow was quickly replaced by anger. "Can you just let me go Hunter!?" She yells helding frustration in her voice. She's trying to get out of my grip but I tightened it.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I ask tilting my head to the side. She groans. "You don't care!" She shouts at me and managed to get out of my grip. Whats with her today?

She drops a paper from her bag. I picked it up and and saw the narrative report she made. You know what, I'll just probably be nice to her and finish the report. And yeah I need grades for participation too so. I picked it up and set it inside my bag.

I decided to follow Emilyn to see what she's up to. I know I sound like a creeper but I'm just really curious. I still remebered the way she ran away. Its seems like its not towards her house then perhaps she could've ran the other direction. I started my car and followed her.

Just in time I saw her at De Lafè. That's where I saw her on Saturday. I didn't knew she took shifts after school. No wonder she's on a rush. I'm just really surprised she came here real quick. I mean she is a runner. And running is her favorite sport.


8 years old

I've always noticed she was fast. Whenever we play tag she'll always tag me too quickly.

"Can't catch me!" I stuck my tounge mocking her. She smirks at me and bolts up towards me crashing on top of me. Her little giggles were like music to my ears. Her bright smile causing mine. She points at my forehead. "You're it." She stood up and ran out. "Hey no fair!" I laugh at her. "Bleeeh!" She sticks her tounge out, and ran like the light.

11 years old/6th grade

We were in a track field doing our P.E. activity. We were going to do a 15 minutes sprint.

We were divided into 5 groups, and just as lucky I am, I'm grouped with Emilyn.

We set our places. I bend my right knee and stretched the right one to the back. I placed hands on the either sides to the ground to balance myself. Everybody did the same. Since I was beside Emilyn, I whispered something to her. "I'm gonna win this for sure." She scoffs. "You wish."

Our coach whistled to run and we did. I was just beside Emilyn. I turned ,y head to her and she was on focused direction, then she out runs me. I was amazed by the fact she is a girl! I don't even think boys can compare to her run. She out runs everbody and reached the finished line.

All of us was panting holding our weight to our knees. That was exhausting. I see Emilyn looking like she didn't sweat at all. She wasn't panting that really hard.

"So you won?" She says helding sarcasm in her voice. I rolled my eyes at her and she laughs at me. "Alright, fine you win." I smile at her.

End of flashback

Emilyn's POV

I've been in a rush since from here, I 've been working my ass off. People kept calling for me and being freaking impatient assholes.

I check my watch, 6pm... Finally. I went to my manager. I knock on her door.

"Umm... Ma'am." She looks up from her computer. "Goodevening." I nod at her. "Its the end of my shift." I said. She smiles and nods.

When I was about to walk out she calls for me. "Umm Emilyn." She thinks. "Are you a working student?" She asks out of curiosity. I nod slowly. She sighs. "I'm gonna reschedule your work." My eyes widen.

"I know exams are close so you'll only work during Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays." I was silent.

"I was a working student like you your age too." I nod. "So I'll make sure that this doesn't add up too much pressure on you."

"And I'll add up 15 dollars on your salary." My eyes widen. "Really?" I ask slowly. She nods and smiles. I went to her and hug her, giving back the embrace. "Thank you.. thank so much..." I whispered what I mean it. Even if its just 15 dollars its going to help. "Its what I can do to help."


While walking I here foot steps behind me. I speed up my walking a bit. I here the person does the same. I kept speeding up until I fully run, but the person caughts my waist. The persons arms seems to be warm and comforting for some odd reason. I yell and tried to squel out the person's grip.

"Shh shh keep it down, its me." I immediatly recognize the voice. I kick the his leg and made out his grip. "What the fuck is wrong woth you?!" I shout at him. While his on the floor rubbing his leg from kicking it. "Yeah says the lady that its a good idea to walk around at night." I look at him with the deepest frown I ever made. "Are you a psychopath?! You fucking ran after me and grabed me and your telling me this!?" I shout. He sighs and picks me up by my thighs placing me over his shoulder. I don't try to fight back since I know already that he's not gonna put me down.

"Why do you keep on picking me up and keeping me inside your car?" He shrugs his shoulder and starts the car.

I opened my bag trying to find the report I made earlier. I kept searching and found nothing. My eyes widen as I sped up searching in my bag. "Where the fuck is it?" I whisper. I was getting frustrated in finding the paper. Its a really fucking bad day isn't it?

"What you looking for?" He asks clearly noticing mg frustration. "Its none of your business." I say sternly knowing he did nothing in helping me in this.

"Get my bag." He says. I didn't want to argue. I took his bag from the back seat. "Take the history book." I sigh and took it out. A paper slips out. I pick it up and saw its the report I made, its added with words that I didn't made. "You dropped your paper while you were sprinting earlier. I took and printed it for both of us, and yeah I added something to it too." I nod. Well I he's not always a jerk after all.

He droped me off my house. "Thanks for the ride." I said. "No prob." He says smilling at me...

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