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"Mom, Dad! We have a visitor!" Hunter yells. "Who is it honey?" I hear Mrs. Jace voice.

"Its someone you know..." Hunter says slowly and looks at me giving me a reassuring smile. I nod at him.

I see Mrs. Jace go downstairs. She looks up seeing the visitor. She gasps and covers her mouth. "Emilyn is that you?" Her voice trembles. Her eyes glossy from the sight of me.

I still remembered her like before. Mom loved her so much and treated her like a sister. They were best friends for life. Mom and Mrs. Jace were friends since they were in highschool. It suprises me that they lasted such a long friendship. As if for Dad and Mr. Jace, like typical men, they both had same interest in everything, and got along real quick. And it all started from there. Hunter's parents and mine were real friends.

It broke there hearts when they found out my parents passed away. They basically like lost a family that belongs to them. As if for me, I lost my best friend and parents...

My thoughts were cut off from a embrace. Which I quickly return. "Its been so long..." She pulls back and wipes her tears. She cups my cheeks and caress my hair. "You look exactly like your mom." She smiles at me. My tears well up.

People said I'll look like my mom when I grew up. I had the face of my mom and the skills of my dad. My dad loved painting, he taught me all this techniques which I followed to his foot steps.

"Honey who's at the door?" Mr. Jace walks in and spots me. I gave him a small wave. He smiles and disbelief.

"Emilyn? You've grown up." He says surprised. "You look like Ember." Hunter giggles as I smile widely.

"What brings you here darling?" Mrs. Jace asks. "Well, his uncle got arrested and supposedly his gaurdian, she was suppose to be in foster care but since she's 17, I guess she can stay here for a while." Hunter says giving them a pleading look. "If you're okay with it of course." I say so its there decision.

"What do you mean okay with it? Of course it is darling! You can stay here as long as you want." She says as her hand brushes softly on my cheek as she gave me a welcoming smile.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I hug her. She laughs at me. "Of course. Your family, and family is always welcome."


Me and Hunter brought my things to my room, which was beside Hunter.

"If you need anything, go ahead and just knock on the door." Hunter informs as I nod.

I flop at the soft bed. I let myself sink in the soft silk sheets of the cloud I'm laying on.

I can't believe that Mr. and Mrs. Jace agreed on me staying here. There reactions was totally not what I expected. I'm really thankful for them.

As if for Hunter. He has done a lot for me. I'm not saying its bad, but its kinda not what I'm used too.

There was a window above my bed which gives it a perfect view for the sky. I stare at it for a while letting my thoughts go thru the silence in the room.

But of course I'm not gonna stay here for the rest of my years. After I turn 18, I'll repay them and move out to myself.

My original apartment where Kim and I live, it was very small. In thought of it, I actually never described it.

The walls were cracks and the paint was almost scratched off the walls. There was stairs but it only led up to one room which was my room.

But this room, bigger space, perfect view, soft bed. Its what I dreamed of. But of course, I'm still thankful for my uncle.

He allowed me a place to stay despite that he hates me. Although he was an asshole, he is still my uncle.

When I was youger, I remembered he plays with me and making me laugh. He was a second father like every uncle I had. But after the death of my parents. Everybody went away from me. Saying I was the bad charm of all this. I was left with a family that never comforted me.

But two people were left. Mr. And Mrs. Jace. Although we were not related, they're family. They said it wasn't my fault which was hard to believe. I survived the crash...

My thoughts were caught of by a small knock on the door. "Dear? Are you awake?" Its Mrs. Jace. I walk towards the door and open it.

"O-Oh Mrs. Jace, is there anything-" She clicks her tongue. "Please call me Ella. If you don't want to then how about mom or auntie or even beautiful." She flicks her back playfully while smilling at me. We giggled at the same time.

She glares at me for while and smiles. "You even sound like your mom." I was shock at first but quickly returned a smile.

"Come I'll show you something." We walked downstairs. "Sit here for a moment." She says pointing at the couch.

About 2 minutes later she came back. I look to see her holding 2 scrapbooks and photo cards. "I've always stored this at a very special place so it wont get dusty." She says.

She took the first scrapbook which was titled 'Freinds since highschool.' She opens it and I see pictures form two young beautiful girls. One looks like Ella and the other looks like.. me.

She takes out the picture where two girls were hugging. "This is me." She points the girl on the right. "And your mom." She smiles. "She looks so much like you." She says as she looks at me one more time.

We looked at more pictures. We laughed at some and some teared up on. She tells me the story how they met.

Basically mom was like me. A once quite student who likes to read. Ella approached her and thats where it started. They went to highschool together, even the same university. They went to both of there weddings, and even there husbands became friends.

As if for there children. It almost lasted long... but eventually it didn't.

In the middle of looking at pictures. Someone coughs from behind.

"What are you guys doing?"

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