《The Deal》

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Monday/Break time

I was walking towards the cafeteria when someone calls my name. I stop my tracks sigh quietly not wanting to see him.

I've avoiding him since the night he picked me up after work. Its just, his so confusing. In the day he'll be the spawn of the devil and at night he'll be and angel sent for me. So I just ignore him so he wont play with my feelings.

I walk faster towards the library. But as always he traps me with is strong arms. "Wait." I close my eyes and turn around. "What do you want?" I say opening my eyes to see his blue ones. "Why are you avoiding me?" He asks. I rolled my eyes knowing that I wont answer that question.

I attempt to walk away but he grabs my arm once again. "Wait." I turn around not wanting anymore of his tricks, because I just really want to draw right now with my earphones on and calming music.

"Can you do me a favor?" He says. I gave him a sarcastic look. "I know you don't trust me but after this I'll avoid you and never get to talk to you again." I lift my eyebrows about the deal he made. Maybe finally I'll get away from him this time. "Deal." I nod. "Okay let's talk at the library."

We went to the library and sat down at my table. "So lets make this deal." He starts. He moves his chair facing me. "So you'll tutor me with Science till the end of third quarter." I try to speak but he cuts me off. "And dance with me in the fall formal." He says surpirising me. Heck no! I never even went to prom! But I guess theres still an option for my side.

"What's in it for me?" I ask raising a brow.

"You'll tutor me on Science twice a week for 20 dollars. Just still the end of third quarter, then I'll do what I said, I'll ignore you and leave you alone forever." 20 dollars? I mean he is rich. But where while he get the money? I mean even if its just 20 dollars I still really need it. There's barely food in the frigde and the bills are not even paid. Like a guardian he is, he doesn't even attempt to make the smallest amount of money, and blaming me for his hunger and needs when he doesn't do anything!

"So what do you say?" He asks. "Last question. Why would you want me for the fall formal? Isn't Vanessa with you?"

"Well thats my point. She broke up with me." My eyes widen. That's why he was alone the last week. Vanessa broke up with him. I'm honestly glad, I mean its not that I actually want to ruin them its just that its already noticable that she's not good for Hunter. "So what you say? Shake on it?" I sigh and shook his hand. "Deal." Oh boy...


At History, I sat at the corner of the room far away from Hunter. I just focused on the board avoiding Hunter's intense graze. My head was slowly hanging lower and my eyes shutting, giving up at the boring lecture. I placed my head between my arms like a pillow, just for a quick nap.


I opened my eyes waking up seeing my things and books. Why is it so tight in here? I try to turn around shuffling my way to see the light behind me. I noticed a lenghtwise door.... Wait am I in my locker? My eyes widen as I try to get out. How did I even got here?! I was about to panic when I heard two young voices. I peek thru mail slider saw two teenagers arguing.

"How could you!?" Wait.. "It's not what you think! She's just tricking you!" She looks so familiar.

"So you're just going to blame Vanessa for nothing?! You just fucking betrayed me!! And pointing that on somebody else!! How sick of a person are you?!" He screams at the poor girl.

"I was helping you!! You're just gonna believe her over me?! Don't you trust me?..." She says lowering her voice at the last part. "I do, that's what hurts... I trusted you..." He says.

"Don't I deserve to explain? Even just a little bit?" She begs. "No you don't... get out of my sight, I don't want to see you ever in my life again." Those words...

The girl breaks down and sobs on her knees. This scenerio, this cries, this voices and words, so familiar and heart breaking... This is the time when me and Hunter had a huge arguement causing our freindship to fall.

The girl stands up and walk towards my locker, or the locker I'm in. My eyes widen scared she might see me.

Every step she got closer and she opened it. She looks at me directly. My heart breaks seeing her cold, broken soul and spirit. She doesn't react seeing me, just tears welling up causing mine. She breathes in and slams the door closed.

I jolt up at the dream... well I think it was. Its more on a memory of a nightmare than a dream like it should be. Just in time History class was done. I got up and fixed my things and waited till everybody was out, because the doorway was full so I just waited. As I was still sitting I was remembering the dream I had.

"Get out of my sight, I don't want to see you ever in my life again." I close my eyes tears welling up. Those words hurts like a stab in the heart. Those words caused this friendship to end. Those words caused my love to fade away.

"Emilyn?" I hear a faint voice soft as silk. I didn't want to look knowing that I'll hear the echoes of the words he said. I slowly open my eyes and see his. I see him grown up. I know I've already seen him like this before but knowing the fact that he grew up without me. The fact he doesn't need me, he hates me and there's nothing I can do about it.

I stood up and walk passed him. He grabs my wrist once again. Why does he always do this? Its sickens that I have to spend with him till 3rd quarter.

"You good?" He tilts his head. I nod. "Yeah... I-I'm fine." I said my voice breaking in the end. I let go and ran towards the wall at the hall. I slid down on the floor rubbing my face in my palms. I honestly don't want to continue anymore. I just wanna go home.

I went to the nurses office. "Umm Miss... May I be excused? I'm feeling a bit sick." I excused myself. She agrees and hands me a slip and I walked home.

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