《Prison Visit》

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Me and Hunter both went to school together for the first time in a while. I was really nervous for no reason.

While walking I saw Vanessa crossed arms looking at me like a snake looking at its rival. I ignored and continued walking.

People were just staring at us for no reason. Like the introvert I am, I'm not used to so much attention. I would say I'm invisible, which I'm totally okay with that, I dont mind being ignored.

Attention is where people are always wrong. They always ask for it, like clouting. It's where people will judge you for no reason at all. They put there attention on wrong things which draws them even more. It really annoying and uncomfortable.

We both went to class just on time...

Skip to Break time...

As I was walking silently towards the library, someone forcefully smacked my shoulder earning my attention.

It's no other than the snake itself, Venessa.

"Well look who comes back from the dead. Did Hunter save you from hell?"
She mocked. I scoffed and and sent her a glare,

"Out from hell? It seems like nothing changed now that your standing here infront of me."

I smirk at her shocked expression.

"You wont be saying that anymore longer"

She flips her disgusting hair on my face.

Skip to dismissal time...

I was in the car siting silently beside Hunter, then all of the sudden I get a phone call. I turn my phone on to see a unknown number.


"Good afternoon, is this Emilyn Dace?"

"Yes its her." I reply hesitantly.

"It's Offcer Derulo speaking, someone would like you to have a visit in the prison. Named Kim Daysey." Uncle Kim.

"Umm for what reason?"

"He wanted to talk to you."

"O-Ok I'll be there soon." Hangs up

"Who was that?" Hunter asks out of curiousity. "Its the officer who we talked last time. He said that Uncle Kim wanted to see me." I explained.

"Why?" We said confused. "I don't know either." I reply blankly with a shrug.

"Are you gonna visit him?" He says parking his car on the side.

I think hesitantly. What does uncle Kim want? To lash out on me for not visiting him for 3 months? For being a horrible niece? Or even to apologise? After all he had done to me, I still have him as family. He allowed me to live with him, might as well show gratitude.

"Yeah I will." I said surely. "You sure?" I nod confirming him. After that he drove to the station. "But we'll go to your house first. I have something to get."


"I'll wait you here." Hunter speaks before I close the car door. I walk my way to the station.

"Is there something you'd report ma'am?" Said the officer on the front desk. "Oh, I uhh, I wanted to visit." I said frankly.


As the officer guided me to a free room desk, I see uncle Kim sitting with handcuffs, looking sad.

I clear my throat to caught his attetion. "Emilyn." He smiles sadly. "I'm so glad you visited." I gave him the same smile in response.

"Look Emilyn, I'm sorry for being a bad guardian." I widen my eyes. Well that was straghtforward.

"I made a promise to my brother and I broke it. I could've been a better uncle. I was just so devistated that my brother, my best friend, my family died. My anger built up and I lashed it out to you. I never meant it to be like that. I know I've said a couple mean things to you, but non of them are true. It isn't your fault that they died, I was just mad at myself. That I've never been good, not even towards my own brother." He sighs

"I know I can never bring back the past, now that I'm behind bars and locked in hancuffs, but I'm surely you'll have a great future. I see so much your father in you. Always determined, he never gave up. He was a good man, I'm surely you'll be like him. I'm sorry for everthing, I know you can't forgive that easily but I'll wait, after all, your still family." He looks at me, I see truth and sincerity in his eyes. Those eyes that I knew my uncle had once.


(7 year old)

"Eeemilyn!" My dad called from downstairs. "Am coming dad!" I walk downstairs as I see uncle Kim holding a pink teddy bear. "Uncle kim!" I ran up and hugged him. "Hey there kiddo." He smiles widely. "I bought you something." He gave the cute teddy bear.

"Its so cute!" I hugged it while jumping around

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"Its so cute!" I hugged it while jumping around. "Thank you!" I hug him again.

"Your the best uncle!"

"Hahaha, you're welcome kiddo."

(From earlier)

As we get to the house I rushed towards my room finding a box. It wasn't any kind of box, my memories form whne I was young was in there. I lift it out of the shelf and opened it. It wasn't as dusty, It was kept in a good place. I brought out my things and found what I've been looking for.

End of flaskback.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "Thank you." I whispered but loud enough for him to hear. He perks up confused. "For what?"

"For staying, even though all the things you've said to me before. Thank you for letting live in your house. Thank you for being family."

I brought out the teddy bear that he gave me before. "Y-You still have it." He smiles as I chuckle. "Of course. I remembered being so happy when you gave me this."

"Even after all that I said, you still consider me family?" He smiles.

"Of course, your the best uncle." I stood up and hugged him. It didn't matter if he's in handcuffs.

"Your the best niece I've ever had." I pull away and wiped my tears.

"You got a bright future ahead kiddo."


I waved goodbye to him as the officer guided me out the room. Its nice to know I still have a family left. All my other relatives were far away, and some didn't want to visit, but at least had uncle Kim.

"Did good?"

"Yeah it did."

And now I have a new family.

Hey! *Jumps out of the coffin* I'm back! I know some of ya'll are probably mad but please bare with me. I don't know where this story is going and I'm not sure if I'm able to continue this, but I'll try my best-est to finish and update.

Anyways, Merry Christmas to ya'll! Love u!

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