《No Color Nor Sunshine》

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I quietly went inside and closed the door behind me. I sigh in relief knowing probably my uncle is out again. I went upstairs and did my homework. I didn't have work today since its my day off. I brought out my sketch pad and materials. I plugged in my earphones listening to music.

Don't you just draw away your problems? Every line shape or image represents your fantasies wishing it was true.

I love to draw landscapes and sunsets. Every rain there's going to be a sunshine. Every flower has its own beautiful smell. Every color has its own meaning. Every point of ink cherish the whole drawing. Every stroke of brush filling up the blank trace. Everything I draw has nothing to compare in my life. No color nor sunshine. Just blank and so dull.

Drawing is my only way of escaping. I world I wish I was living such a happy life. It hurts so much knowing that its only and only will be a wish.

I draw and colored it with my heart choiced color.

I was slowly fading away tiredness and exhaustion taking over. Why am I feeling so sick?

I was sleeping peacefully not until a loud knock on the door. Ugh! Its probably Kim again. I weakly stood up and walked to the door.

I opened the door and to my surprise its not Kim...

Hunter's POV

I try to find Emilyn class after class. Where the hell is she? Did she slept again in the girls restroom?

Dismissal time

I try to find her thru the halls towards her locker. She's not there. Where is she?

I exited the school and went to my car. I started my engine and went to Emilyn's house. I know I sound very creepy in all ways but I just really want to check her out. And probably we'll start the tutor, I mean I already have 20 dollars with me so.

I knock on the door. No response. I knock again but louder than usual. I here foot steps and soon the door open revealing a messed hair Emilyn. Even if her hair is messy she's still so beautiful.

Her eyes widens. "Hunter? What are you doing here?" Her voice rasps. That's so hot.

"I-umm... I just want to know where you went." I explained. She nods. "So aren't you gonna go in?" I nod.

She steps aside for me to enter. I look around and saw beer bottles on the table and chairs with a strong sent. Was she drinking?

"If your curious who's this beer bottles are? Its my uncle's." She explains.

She looks kinda pale and loopy. "Are you ok?" I ask holding her arm. Flames and sparks ignite on my stomach from the touch. "Your really pale and warm." She was about to speak but I already know what she's going to say. "Don't even tell me you're ok. In fact you look white as a ghost."

She sighs. "Did you just came to mock me?" She asks tiredly. "No of course not.. I was here to check on you and... for tutor."

Her eyes widens from my statement. "B-But I didn't brought my book with me." She says.

"Well that's why I brought mine." I brought out my book and gave it to her. She groans in protest. "Does it have to be today?" She whines. I nod firmly.

"Well it seems like you didn't have to work so don't be a lazy ass." I said knowing that she has work after school.

"Its my day off." She says and giving me the look. "Well I guess yesterday was you day off too?" I ask sarcastically.

"Well my manager knew I was a working student so she gave me work only for Thursday to Saturday." She explains.

I felt guilty. She is a working student and I'm giving her extra work. "But its ok. I really still need the money." Wow she doesn't give up.

"Why do you need the money so bad?" I ask out of curiosity. She sighs. "Well I'm not gonna eat plates and beer bottles. Kim is hardly making any money for the both of us. Bills aren't even paid yet still he isn't even doing anything." She shrugs. She's really determined. I haven't seen her uncle yet.

"He's at the bar." She says. I turn to her shocked. Did I said that out loud? Cute giggles errupted from her voice and she leads her way to her room.

I look around seeing paintings of sunsets and nature. Where does she get this?

I went near the one that caught my eye. It was a sunset horizon. The bright sun meets the calming waves of the sea. The colors of the bright crimson red melting with the orange blending from the sun. So simple yet very pleasing to look at. I wonder where she got this?

"It looks good doesn't it? Its my favorite painting I made so far." She says in confidence looking at her own master piece. I smile at her.

Of course she made this, how could I forget? She always had that type way of passion in drawing. Even when we were just kids, she seems to impress me with barely doing anything but just her talented self.

She always had told me she'll be an artist one day. I don't see a problem with that for her future.

She fixed her upcoming drawings and set them aside. We brought out our things and started on the tutor.

After tutoring me for one our she gave me a paper with all her questions for me to answer. She handed it to me.

I was listening to her nice beats when I feel the bed dent a little. I look up to see a sleeping Emilyn. I look at her peaceful sleeping and finished the paper. I set them beside her bed and placed the 20 dollars above it.

I fixed her things including mine and went downstairs to go home.

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