《The Moon》

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"What are you guys doing?"

We both turn around to see a shirtless Hunter.

My eyes grew at the angelic sight. His shirt wasn't completely of but its around his neck like a necklace. He seems to be worked out good because of his abs. He was only wearing a sweat pants. Damn, I wish I could stare much longer. but her mom is beside me!

"Hunter, put your shirt on!" Ella says. "Okay mom." He puts on the shirt properly and walks up to us.

"Watcha looking at?" He says taking a bite out of his apple while sitting beside me. "Just looking up some old pictures." She says as she closes the first scrapbook. She opens the second one which was titled 'A new chapter together.'

Ella opens the book and we see our parents at a dinning table at some fancy restaurant.

And more pictures of mom and Ella. And finally one picture of my dad and Mr. Jace. They were drinking beer like typical men.

I missed my dad so much. I was more of a daddy's girl but of course I love them both. He inspired me to draw and paint, he motivated me to never give up, he taught me how to be brave and strong. But now, being a burden to his bestfriends and Hunter.

I know they're disapointed, even my own self I am. My eyes blurred a little from the tears welling up, but its not the time to cry. No, especially not infront of them.

"You good?" I felt Hunter's hand on my shoulder. I felt sparks errupted from the simple touch. I close my eyes for a second just trying to clear out my tears. I look at him and nodded with a smile to reassure him.

We kept looking at some pictures, then we come across a rare one. Its me and Hunter as a baby but on a separated picture. "Aww look at you guys." Ella giggles and I blush a little.

The next pages was mostly me and Hunter playing. Old memories hit my head like a truck. Damn, those times, all of those time. We even pinky promised to never separate. But kids are kids. We can't exactly be young forever.

And that's the sad part. We'll all grow up oneday, then we'll look back at the times we were carefree and happy, but we have to be mature. There's that one point in our life that you wish you could rewind time and just go back being a kid again.

That's why memories are made, they are supposed to be treassured and kept. Either its pictures, words, videos, or even just your own memory. They are suppose to be looked back at and kept making more. At least live a life that is happy, rather than being stuck at one place. Just move forward and make you life worth living for.

"Welp its time to make dinner." Ella closes the book loudly, I jump a little at the action and I hear Hunter chuckles at my movement. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

We went upstairs. I sat on my bed not knowing what to do. I already did my assignments at school. I guess I'll draw.

I brought out my materials and worked my way for the painting. I slide out the small square chair which was perfect for drawing.

There's a struggle of drawing or painting on your bed.

I bring out my pencil and draw the scratch of my drawing. Why not try something new?...

I think and think but nothing pops out. I wanna try something else other than sunsets or sunrise.

I flop back in bed and groan at my empty ideas. I open my eyes seeing the night sky. The moon was directly facing from my window. The moonlight beaming through as I gaze and observe the movement of the silent night. The clouds circling the moon as they move swiftly. The moon brightens as its full white color shimmers.

I sit up having the idea pop up literally seconds ago. I trace my drawing at the paper. I lay down once again after I finished it. I lift up the drawing and compare it beside the window.

Once I was satisfied, I shoot up once again and brought out my paint. I always had the complete collection of paint. From red to violet.

Of course as one of my skills, I always have the perfect shade of my choice.

I brought out my palette and squeeze the paint tube for the paint to come out. I shade a color of black, violet, indigo, filling it up the sky. A dot of black on white for the slight grey-ish tone. I mixed more of black so it would fit fade with the lighter one. And finally, the pure white for the bright moon.

I began painting. I caress my paint brush at the flat paper. I fill up the sky. The clouds forming a circle, rounding at the blank space. But soon it was filled up by the Moon, full and bright. I painted some grey for the craters and detailed it up.

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Finally!" I say as I finish the painting. I bring it up slowly so it wont fall, I place on the floor and clean up the chair so I'll let it dry there.

I stood up and look at it for a moment. I let out a satisfied sigh. My first drawing of a night sky.

"Dear? Come dinner with us." I hear Ella's voice. "Umm just a minute." I say. I quickly fix my materials and went out the door.

I hear a door closing at the same time as mine. I look to my right to see Hunter going out his room as well.

"Oh hey." I say. Hunter startles a bit from my voice. I chuckle at him. "Scarty cat?" I tease. "Oh yeah well at least I'm not a smurf." He says as he points out the paint on my arm. Whoops, I forgot to clean my self. "Excuse you this is indigo." I say confronting it to him. He rolles his eyes at me.

"Kids! Come down here! Dinner's ready."

If your probably wondering what Emilyn's room look like, it kinda goes like this:

●●●●●If your probably wondering what Emilyn's room look like, it kinda goes like this:

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Like she said, it had a lot more space and has a window on the ceiling. Just imagine waking up and you see the sky. This is my ideal room.

Also these pictures doesn't belong to me. I just found them at pinterest.

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