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Emilyn's POV

Its been a week since that moment. I gotta admit, I really liked the feeling of his lips on mine caress each loving movement.

The sparks and electric waves I felt during the moment. The affection and desire filled the tension.

His lips were warm and soft. It's tasted minted candy. It somehow made me forget all my problems that I've been going thru. The moment completed me, it was like the only thing I wanted, I needed. It made me somewhat... calm.

But we aren't in a good moment now. I've ignoring him for the last week. I know I sound like a jerk, but I'm so tired.

I'm so tired of people entering my life and earning my trust just to crush it with there hands infront of me leaving me flying away with the dirty wind.

Ever since my parents died everything went downhill. Everybody left me and never looked back.

I lived with my uncle that doesn't even give a shit about me. He's been blaming for everything.

But it's true, it's my fault. Everything. I'm this weak pathetic girl who can't stood up for herself. It's my fault that I'm like this.

I've gone into trust issues since grade 7th ever that girl rumored me causing everybody to turn there back at me along with my best friend.

I know I have people that are staying with me. Mr. and Mrs. Jace... they're really sweet people offering me to stay at there place but for as long as I know, but it's temporary for me. I don't want to be a burden to them.

Samantha and Will, they're one of the nicest people. As much as I wanted to last the friendship, it's not going to. After I'll moved out for college, I bet they'll forget me after this.

Uncle Kim who's turns out to be a drug addict and ends up in jail. Well, he did deserve it but I can't remove the fact he let me live with him rather than the streets. But he did wanted me gone. I know he only kept his promise for his brother, which is my dad.

As if for Hunter... I don't even know anymore. As much as I wanted our friendship to come back, how I miss it very much. I just can't. I'm just even more confused than ever. Those long years waiting for him to come back, but I got sick of waiting and got so used to it that I don't even wanna trust anymore.

Fate just rejected me. I can't go back to that again. It's not my ego or just ways for my own. It's just that I'm tired and scared, afraid that people will reject me again and again.


I've been waking up early so Hunter won't escort me to school like he usually does.

I was walking in the halls hiding in my hood. I let my hair fall in front of my face to hide it.

Since I always brought my books with me, I didn't have to go to my locker anymore. Because I know that Hunter can find me just waiting there.

I went to class quitely. Every class I had with Hunter, I just let my head hang low and sat at the corner of the room.

As clichè as it sound, I might be like that emo kid in class who sits at the corner and looks ridiculously edgy.


I still went to the library since I don't know where else to go. I'm very thankful that Hunter doesn't go here to find me.

Now I just sit behind the book shelves so I'll make sure no one will find me.

I just draw whenever there's nothing much I can do. Either I'm stressed or bored when I draw, but these days I'm feeling both.

I mostly just talk with Hunter... yeah like that's gonna happen again. We said no word, like literally no words to each other this week.


If your wondering how I get home, well I don't. Since Hunter is respectful for my wishes, which I know won't last that long. I go with Samantha and Will's apartment. Yes they live together.

I talked to them about what happened to me and Hunter and they offerded me to stay at there apartment for a while.

I'm being a burden once again. Sigh

I packed some of my clothes and things into my bag. It could be either I'm at work or waiting for Samantha and Will to end there shift which I don't mind at all.

We went to they're apartment which had only two bedrooms. I shared the same bedroom with Samantha since she had a double matress bed.

She offered me to sleep on the bed but it's kind of rude since I'm only staying, so of course I chose the mattress.

We lay down on bed all tucked and ready to sleep. "Goodnight Emilyn." Samantha slurrs falling to her slumber. "Goodnight." I responded knowing he's already asleep.

I can't much sleep having anxiety rushing into my head. I breathe deeply and let myself come down a bit more.

One day I'll get out of there tails and wont bother them again and move on my own path. They'll forget me just like everybody else...


I was woken up by someone aggressively shaking my shoulder. "Dude! It's no time for sleep we have someone to rescue!" I open my eyes as I became more aware of my surroundings.

I was in a truck that was moving very quickly, I heard sirens and other people having the same uniform as mine.

The truck stopped and one of the persons in the truck busts the door open.

"We have two adults and one teenager! We need to rush! Now!" One person says. I quickly get out the truck.

They carried the two bodies inside the truck which seemed to belong to the two adults. "Here help me with this girl." One informs me as I nod.

We went to her and wrap her in a white blanket. She looked really familiar. I took a close look. Is that?... ME?! My heart skips a beat as it pounced loudly echoing at my ears.

We brought her in the truck. I stood there shocked and still. Everything was spinning and blurred but I managed it.

"Umm can you wait for me a bit?.. I-I'll just ask something..." I said to my supposed 'co-worker' as she nods.

I went to a officer to ask somethings. "Umm officer? May I ask some couple questions." He nods.

"What exactly happened to the three people?" I ask slowly. "Well the people around witnessed that a car came in contact with theirs at a big impact causing this accident." I nod slowly, analyzing what he said.

"What are the surnames of the three residents?" I say as my eyes starts to water a bit.

"Umm... it's says. Dylan Daysey, Ember Daysey, and Emilyn Daysey..."

My breathing stops along with my heart. "C'mon dude let's go!" A faint voice shouts. "Dude!" I stood still as everything went more darker. "Are you okay miss?" The officer asks. Everything was spinning. "Emilyn!"

My eyes shot open. My breathing became harsh. I blink quickly cause of my blurry vision. I had beams of sweet on my forehead and I felt sticky. I look around seeing the clock. 2:37...

I look to my right to see Samantha sleeping peacefully. I sigh quitely. I lay down slowly trying to get my breathing stabled. I wipe my sweat. I inhale deeply and exhaled thru my mouth with a whoosh sound.

That was one of the scariest nightmares I had...

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