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Emilyn's POV
Days went by not as I expected. Hunter had been really close with me without being a asshole nor a jerk. Which is kinda new to me. I guess he's just doing this for the deal we made. Well he's been companying me at the library every now and then. Helping me at my locker and going with me every class we have. Its very foreign for me.

While at work. Samantha and Will has been the best. They knew that I was a working student and gave me motivation than giving up. We've been all really close and good friends. And since Hunter picks me up after school or work. They'd been shipping me with him.

I mean its cute in all but after all his done to me, after all these years of betrayal, it wont be that easy for my trust on him.

Uncle Kim hasn't come home since last week. I'm not worried or something but he really has a lot to do. I know I sound like a heartless brat but can you really blame me? After he's done hitting me, shouting at me, I really just wanted a guardian that is concerned then I'll feel the same. But there's a side of me is thankful that he isn't here. No sent of alchohol nor negative shouts echoing in the apartment.

And also Vanessa had been trying to seduce Hunter. A part of me is kinda jealous but its kinda disgusting. Didn't Vanessa broke up with Hunter? Why is she wanting him back? Hoes...


Meanwhile at the library. I was drawing the out line of my drawing, I felt a strong and familiar presense behind me.

"Hey." I greet without even have to turn around knowing its the person I expected. "Hey." He moves the seat beside me. "A new one?" He asks noticing my new sketch. I nod.

Suddenly, I heard melodies, singing by a voice of an angel.

I turn to see him writing something on a paper humming some words, more like memorizing the lyrics.

The tune was unfamaliar yet beautiful. A symphony I would honestly want to hear.

I decided to peek at the paper for the lyrics.

I'll be the one that stays 'til the end
And I'll be the one that needs you again
And I'll be the one that proposes in a garden of roses
And truly loves you long after our curtain closes
But will you still love me when nobody wants me around
When I turn eighty-one and forget things will you still be proud?

Geez my heart is going crazy.  The lyrics is astounding.

He was softly tapping the pen for the beat of the song.

It keeps me wondering who's this song for?

He noticed I was starring but I didn't want to look away. He turns a bit shade of pink, his confidence fading.

"I-umm..." He clears his throat. I chuckle at his cuteness.

He turns pinker. "I liked the song. Who's it for?" I asked getting straight to it.

"Well its just a song I made, I flew with the tune and rhymed the lyrics which turned out to be... good I guess." He shrugs. I gave him a genuine smile which he returns.

I like that were being close again, memories kept flooding back from our childhood that we kept. He always companied me along his warm presense with him. I can't say I like him again knowing that I'll just end up with a broken heart on my hands. I know he doesn't like me back, he never had. So I guess I'll just stay friends as possible.

The bell rings. Hear comes History, yey!

Skip to dismissal time

I went with Hunter and got in his car. He drove to my house.

As we were getting close to my house I noticed an unfamiliar car. It seems like to be belonged to a police. Which was my right guess seeing a cop infront of the door.

We parked and I got out confused by the cop present infront of me. "Umm... May I help you Sir?" I ask a hint of nervousness in my voice.

"Is this where Kim Daysey lives?" I nod slowly. "And you are suppose to be?" He raises a brow.

I hear Hunter's door close as I turn to see him walking up to us. "Emilyn Daysey, his niece." I responed. He nods at my answer.

"I'm Officer Derulo. Umm would you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?" I nod. "How many days has been your uncle gone?" He asks the first question.

"Almost a week." I reply bluntly. "Have you caught him doing something illegal?" He asks out of no where.

"No.. well he does drink a lot of alchohol." I say. "How old are you?" He asks. "17"

He turns to Hunter which was beside me. "And is this your boyfriend?" My eyes grew wide and my cheeks warmed up. I shook my head immediatly. "H-He's just a friend of mine." I say blushing.

I turn to see Hunter grinning at me. The cop nods. "Well I'm sadly to report you this, but your uncle had been caught passed out in a private neighborhood, including the strong smell of illegal smoke and drugs. Some people from the group got away but he was found sleeping on the ground with some drugs beside him." My heart started to race.

I didn't knew he did drugs. That's why he was away for a long time.

"You can visit him at the police station if want-" Hell no! "It's ok." I said cutting him off. His eyes grew wide Hunter repeating the same action. "Are you sure?" He asks. I nod.

"One more question. Why were you with your uncle?" He eyes me suspsiciously. I knew he would asks this. I gulped and answered. "My parents passed away." I say my voice a bit cracked.

"Well I'm sorry to inform you, but you need to go to foster care." I look up to him. "Please, please, I'm almost eighteen. I can handle my own." I beg to him. "Sorry miss no-"

"I'll take her." Hunter cuts in. I look at him in shock. "My parents know hers and basically were bestfriends." He explains.

"What's your name young man?" The cop says. "Hunter Jace." He nods. "Well I'll get you to it. Your gonna live with your friend for a while." He says as walking up to his car and droves off.

"Thanks for covering up." I say to Hunter. He gaves me a confused look. "I wasn't covering up." I furrow my eyebrows.

"You actually think that I can leave alone in this apartment?" He says. "But I haven't even paid the bills yet." I said relieved for the excuse.

"That's no reason. I'll pay the bills and you're going to live with me." He says sternly.

"But you can't just do that! I have work!" I shout at him. "Then do! But thats no excuse." I was about to speak again but he cuts me off. "And that's final."

I went to the door, unlock it and we went inside pack my things. After all of that we went to the car and drove silently to his house.

I can't believe his doing this. You maybe wondering why can't I just reject the offer. Well I can't. Whatever Hunter says, he does, even if its too much. That's why he stood my friend before. He was always motivated.

Whenever we were younger, I sometimes got low grades which was a huge effect on me. But Hunter would always be there cheering for me.

Adding the nervousness that his parents might despise me after all this years. Hunter must've told them about our past so technically they must hate me.

We parked infront of his house, my heart was beating out of my chest. He gestured me to go inside. Here goes nothing...

Btw if you're wondering what song was Hunter humming. It was Happiness by Rex Orange County. Its a really cute song. Check it out, and also shout out to him!

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