《Panic Attack》

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Hunter's POV

Its been three weeks without Emilyn. After everything were back to being strangers once again. Vanessa's been pulling me towards her so I don't have a choice to go back.

I know I sound stupid but I have more things to deal with her for now.

I guess the deal meant nothing at all. I made it because I wanted to get close with Emilyn again. I wanted us to have a new start. I wanted us to meet again, despite we've been strangers for 5 years. I wanted her smile to be caused by my dumb jokes. I wanted back our stupid little jokes that we used to tease each other. I wanted to tickle her and hear her beautiful giggles. I wanted our friendship back. I wanted her back. I needed her back.

Now my chance is gone because all of that one amazing moment. If only she was here in my arms, comforted by her warmth, just staring at her gorgeous brown orbs all day. Feeling her lips on mine, warm and plump. It's sad to say that I wish I'm feeling this, saying it with 'ifs' because for I know this won't happen again...

I tried giving her space but when I try and attempt to talk to her, I can't even find her. Her locker had been locked for 3 weeks and she hasn't even open it yet. I know she goes to school since, C'mon, she's Emilyn. She'll always find a way and always will be determined on that. I go to the library but she isn't at her table so there's no point in going in. I don't find her at our classes since there's a total of 53 of us. She's probably sitting in the corner but I've tried to sit there but she isn't anywhere found. I know that she sees me or something but she's really buying at this hiding bit.


3 weeks ago

I went home entering a irritable silent place. Silence filling up the air and the voiceless. Since mom and dad aren't here me and Emilyn were left alone.

I walk upstairs seeing Emilyn's door creaked a bit open. I peeked a little seeing nobody. Curiosity got the best of me so I went closer seeing nothing.

As confused I am, I open it widely seeing a well made bed and cleaned up drawers. Some of her things was still here but her important weren't. Where had this girl been too?

"Emilyn?" I knocked on her bathroom to open it seeing nobody. I inhale deeply as I try to calm down.

Did she really ran away? I ran my fingers thru my hear and sigh frustratedly.

End of flashback

After that I lost it. Guilt building up once again, I dont even know hat I did but I already regret whatever it is, but of course I'm willing to make it up to her no matter how long it takes. 3 weeks, month, or years...


I went to the library to return the book I borrowed. I hand the librarian my borrowed book and got my library book back.

I was about to walk out the library not until I heard quiet sobs at the corner.

Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to check out. I saw a girl on her knees.

She was mumbling some words which I couldn't decipher. I went closer to see who it's is.

I held onto hehe person's shoulder and place my palm to her jaw to see who the person is.

Emilyn, her breathing was unsteady and she had beams of sweat on her forehead her eyes were closed shut as small tears fell down to her cheeks.

My heart clenched at the sight of her struggling. "Emilyn.." I shake her slightly. "Emilyn." I said a little louder.

I placed both of my hands to her cheeks to wipe her tears off.Jer breathing bacmae more harsh as more tears stream down.

Her action seemed so familiar. "Emilyn" I say at the same tone as her eyes shot wide but her breathing never changed. She sobbed hiccups. She held onto her chest and clutched onto her shirt. She tried inhaling but she was struggling. I became more alert.

"What's wrong?" I asked concern coating my voice. And all of the sudden her eyes roll to the back of her head as her body relaxed more as she became lighter. She's unconscious.

Dismissal time

"She hasn't woke up since you brought her in here. Since you rushed earlier. Would you explain to me what happened exactly?" The nurse asked looking at me.

"She was crying and looked like she was having a difficult time breathing and she was sweating and holding tight to her chest then she passed." I explained to the nurse as she nods while in writing something on her notepad.

"Umm while other than the crying, all of these are effects of panic attacks." Oh...

When Emilyn was younger, she'd usually get panic attacks at serious situations, like emergencies, big events or school presentations. She suffered from anxiety when she was young but her parents put her to therapy which changed a lot and she haven't got a panic attack ever since. She was always worn out when it comes to panic attacks, it tires her as much as running 3 marathons.

"It's best if probably handled at home since its usually tiring once after a person wakes up from a panic attack." The nurse explains as I nod in understandment.

I pick her up slowly in a bridal style and sit her down at my car.

I drove to my house to let her sleep there. I know she'll probably freak out if she wakes out but its better than leaving her out.

I lay her down at her room and placed her bag at counter. I sat on the chair beside just in case if she sneeks out and I don't know it.

I glance at her for a moment. She looks really pale and thin but yet beautiful like a flower, gorgeously fragile.

I took a nap for moment since I just had a full day of practice. I mean one couldn't hurt...

Sorry if I haven't been updating for a while. I'm still caught up on my school works so pls understand. I'll try my best to have regular posting. Thank you for waiting

Love ya! ♡♡♡

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