《Never Felt before》

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Emilyn's POV
I woke up with a big pang in my head. I groan in pain as I rubbed my forehead slowly attempting to lessen the pain.

I blink a few more times trying to clear up my vision. I look up at the night pitched black sky making the moon outstanding with its gorgeous light.

The beauty made me aware looking around and shifting on the bed seeing a familiar room.


I jump slightly at the deep masculine voice. I look at the beautiful man sitting on the chair beside the bed. He was a bit skinny, its like he hasn't ate in a long time but still as handsome.

I gulped slowly, thoughts were running around in my head.

How did I end up here?

What happened?

Did I got drunk or something?

Did I passed out on the streets?

Did he kidnappe-

No, he would never do that anyways.

My breathe hitched just staring at his addicting blue eyes, glowing by the moon's light.

We stared for it seemed like hours, but no matter how long it is, but I'll never get tired just staring at his eyes.

Before anything could happen, I immediately sit up. "I-umm... thanks for helping but I should really go now." I stated as I stood up, instantly regretting since I felt like passing out again.

"Woah there, no need to be in a rush." He said softly. "Thank you but I really need to go." I spoke not looking into his gorgeous eyes.

Suddenly he held onto my hand, he drew slow circular strokes with his thumb, as much as I don't wanna admit, it felt good.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asks desperately wanted to know the answer. "I-Its just I can't take it." I whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

"I can't take being rejected, not anymore. My family even rejected me, they don't even give a shit anymore. People despise me, after my reputation turned down for something I didn't even do. And what hurts is I've rejected by the person who I only counted on, the only one that I trusted, the only person I truly loved. Everybody left. Then he came back, my emotions riding me thru. After that moment I... I wanted to leave, I needed to leave. It's not my ego, but own saftety. What happened that time, made everything worse, so I left before these feelings... would even go worst."

Tears slowly streamed down. He wiped it off making me look up to his eyes. His tears were on the edge. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

My heart skipped a beat, his voice sound so vulnerable. "I'm sorry for all these years, to all the broken promises I made, I'm sorry that I left you. I didn't want to, but... I thought you betrayed me." He engulfed me with a hug.

"I missed you so fucking much. It worried me that you didn't even left a trace."

I gave back his hug tighter than before. I sobbed quitely on his shoulder.

"Shh, it's okay." He said as he caressed my hair. After what felt like hours of crying I calmed down.

My breathing became stable and I started to feel a bit more relaxed in his arms.

I inhale deeply with scent. My heart beats faster as I feel his on my head.  I look up slowly finding his passionate eyes, screaming affection.

He leans down to my level and gives me a kiss...

It was desperate and passionate, it's like we haven't seen each other in years. I ran my fingers thru his hair as I felt the kiss goes deeper and better.

Things got heated as we laid down on the bed. We dirty the sheets. One of the briefest moments ever happened...


I wake up slowly getting out from Hunter's grip. I admire him for a second, his cute messy hair, his muscled body, no tattoos what so ever. I stood up, not until pain rang up thru me. My legs trembled and begged me to stop standing up but I suck all the pain and went to the bathroom.

I get all cleaned up and tucked in with leggings and a shirt. The shirt was slimmed and thin but I didn't have any other shirts since I didn't have time to do laundry since exams were close so I have to study.

I've noticed my grades are going a bit low, so I really have level it up, even it could risk everything. I know I have to proof myself, I've been rejected for all my life, at least I could proof something to them, even if its just a little bit.

I went downstairs. I'm lucky I didn't trip, my legs are practically wobbling down.

I open the frigde seeing fruits, and left overs. I don't think there even left over. It looked it was never eaten. Since Hunter is all alone, I would at least expect bites, but all of them looks complete.

I brought out some couple fruits. I don't know why, but my most favorite fruit is actually banana. I sat down and ate my food.

I shivered from the coldness. I didn't expect to be so cold today. Well it is 8 am in a Saturday morning, but it's usually isn't this cold. I felt a warm presense behind me.

"Why did you got up so early?"

I looked at the pouty boy standing in front of me, he looks at me like he dropped his ice cream. I smile at the little kid.

"Want some?" I point to him with the banana. He shook his head sitting beside me.

He rests his chin on his palm, mean while I was chewing on my banana. It was really quite as the awkward silence continues.

The all of the sudden he looks at me. We made strong eye contact. His eyes dilating.

"I missed you so much." He says above a whisper. I inhale as a small smile creaked on my lips.

"I missed you too."

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