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I was walking towards my locker then someone bring a arm and places it over shoulders. I look up to see no other than, the one and only Hunter.

"What are doing?!" I whisper-yell at him. "Well if I'm gonna ask you out on the formal, its basically means were a couple." I nod slowly.

Great now everybody's gonna assume that. We came across the hall to see a furious Vanessa. We head to class.

Skip to break time

Since Hunter had training I walked towards the library alone. I heard loud foot steps echoing at the halls. Then a pop of a bubble gum. Great. Its the one and only Vanessa.

"Hey bitch, wont you turn around, even if you have that hideous face I have something to say." I turn around slowly and flashed my fakest smile.

"Oh hey I didn't heard you. Is there something you need?" I say trying to be polite knowing it could piss her off.

"I don't want you any close to Hunter. Got it bitch?" She says raising a brow up to her hairline.

"Talk to Hunter honey." I say. As about to walk away she grabs my arm and slams me at the wall. I fall at the impact.

"Stop fucking brain washing Hunter and give him back." She hisses at me. I scoff. I weakly stood up.

"What you're scared? Of course sluts like you needs a boyfriend." I rolled my eyes.

"Me? He fucking broke up with me." What? I thought she did that. I just rolled my eyes at her again.

"Yeah good thing he broke up with you. You think he would keep up such a whore like you?

Fucking other boys for your own good. I don't even wanna guess how many dicks you've tasted.

Cause sluts like you always want to come back.

So I guess its better to break up with a fucking walking plastic stick. Not only your body is fake but the fucking attitude is." I spit at her.

I can see tears welling up on her eyes. Pff, weak ass.

I don't feel and inch of guilt. She fucking deserves that, cause one day she'll realize that. Disgusting.

She walks away with her 'gang'. I sigh in relief and finally went to the library.

I thought Vanessa broke up with Hunter? Wait wouldn't Hunter want Vanessa back? I mean if I was him I wouldn't even stand a chance going back to that slut.

Skip to dissmisal time

I was walking outside when I saw Will and Samantha walking. I stopped my tracks. Aren't they suppose to be at work?

"Girl!" Will says as he waves at me. I laugh walking towards them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask out of curiosity. "Girl we got the day off since Miss Evelyn is on day off too." Samantha explains. I nod.

"But what are you doing here?" I ask since they didn't completely answered.

"Were going shopping!" They both exclaim. I giggle. "You guys go ahead. I don't have any money with me." I shrug.

I don't even buy lunch anymore. I know uncle Kim is in jail but I still have to save money for my own good. I'm not gonna go and borrow cash from the Jace family, I'll be a burden to them. They already have done enough for me, and dang I haven't even started planning on what I'll return.

"No biggies, we got ya." Samantha winks at me. Wait, what? "N-No what? I can't. Its ok really." I smile at them.

"Well does it look like you have a choice?" Will sassed at me. I rolled my eyes playfully and finally agreed. "Fine." They both squeled as they hug me.

As I was about to walk with them someone calls for me. "Emilyn?" Hunter asks as he walked towards me.

"C'mon we have to go." He says as he nods his head pointing at his car.

"Umm Sr. Can we borrow your girlfriend for even just one day. We're just gonna go shopping with her." Will says innocently knowing the fact that he managed to sneak in the girlfriend word.

Hunter raises a brow. Once he was about to say something I cut him off. "I'm just gonna go with them. Don't worry I'll be back before 6. Just tell Mr and Mrs. Jace I'll be fine." I say reassuring him. He nods in agreement.

"Get home safe. Don't be stupid." He points as he droves off. "Yiee!! We're gonna have so much fun."

At the mall

The mall. Its been so long since I've entered one. After my parents death, I kinda turned into a vampire that never come out of his tomb. I was just locked up, and it was my choice.

I'm not actually a shopping person but as long that I'm with Will and Samantha, I'll trust them.

I look at the clothes, nothing seems to get my interest. I'm not saying the designs are bad but its not my type. I know I might sound bland but I really just prefer wearing plain shirts that are baggy and big. Its soooo comfortable.

One sweater caughts my eye. The perfect ombre sweater. It was blue as sky fading into blankness. Its was so simple yet very pretty. It seems to be the only design left.

I slowly walk towards it

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I slowly walk towards it. I grab the hanger and admire it for a little more. It was so cute and simple. Just what I liked everything it would be.

"This one's cute." I stare at it. Even just looking at it seems comfortable. "Well took you long enough." Will said. Well it has been long enough.

We were in here for about half and hour now. They were dreading me to buy what they suggested. Will and Samantha had enough clothes but I was just there walking with no bags on my hand.

We bought the sweater. The only clothe I bought is just a sweater and I'm regreting nothing.

"Thank you guys so much for this." I say smiling widely as I hug the bag. "No biggies."


They decided that they'd drop me off at my house. I waved goodbye and went inside. "Mrs. Jace? Mr. Jace?... Hunter?" I spoke but no one answered. I hear a door slam.

"Omyghod!" I put my palm at my chest. "Jeez you scared me." He giggles.

"What you got there?" He asked about the bag. "Oh just a sweater." I shrug.

"Wow I expect you to actually buy a lot of things. Like you know what girls do when they go shopping." I scoff at his statement.

"Well I'm not very much of a shoppy girl." I say as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Where Mr. and Mrs. Jace?" I ask. "They were in need at a important meeting and probably was invited in a place. They'll be home in 4 weeks." He explains. I nod. Well I did notice they were quite busy this days.

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