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Hunter's POV

I felt something building up my body. Was it guilt? No, why would I be guilty? Now she knows how it feels to be bullied, or have I gone too far? Nah...

I went to History class spotting an empty seat, she wasn't here? I mean why would I care?

Class after class I would search for her in the crowded halls, I didn't even see her standing at her locker.

Dismissal time

The bell rang and we were dismissed. I squeezed myself thru the crowd and went towards her locker, finally. Her hoodie was on, and she was limping...

She turns around, her eyes widens as she spots me. Her eyes were red but it wasn't puffy, her nose and cheeks were tinted red, like she was crying. She looked cute tho... No!

I put my thoughts were cut off when she suddenly runs toward the door.

"Emilyn wait!" I shout for her but she didn't stop. She really was a fast runner. I went to my car and started it.


As I was searching for the girl, I find someone laying down on the ground between an aisle of two buildings.

I stopped my car and went to check on her. I brushed her hair off her face  and saw pale white face that belongs to the person I was searching a while ago. I picked her up and drove to my house.

I know I sound like I kidnapped her, but its better to pick her up than just leave her there.

Once I arrived I picked her up and went inside my house. Thank goodness mom and dad are on a 2 weeks vacation or they would've been saying I brought a drunk girl home.

I laid her down on the guest room. I stare at her for a moment as memories flash.

Emilyn Daysey, my ex-best friend. We were really close when we were young.

Our parents were good friends so we would always see each other either in my house or hers.

We were bestfriends until 6th grade. Till this day I can still see no difference in her, she had beautiful hazel eyes that are better than my blue ones. She has a gorgeous smile that will brighten up your day, and most of all her amazingly nice and polite personality.

I never thought of her betraying me, she went behind my back and teamed up with my bullies. Bitch!

Then I never spoke to her ever since. I cut of ties for a month and decided that I'll get revenge, and so I bullied her, but this time, I probably went to far.

I stopped staring at her for I assumed I probably looked like a creep. I went to my room took a quick shower and a nap.


7 pm

I was woken up by the sound of the floor creeking and a door opening,

Emilyn! She must be awake now. I went outside my room and saw her quitely closing the door and walking towards the stairs.

"What are you doing?" I asked. My voice must have startled her, speaking that I saw jump a little, I mean It was pretty quite in here.

"I was just going home." She stays silent for a moment looking at the floor. "Thanks for letting me rest here but it's probably better if I leave." She says in a low tone turning her head towards the stairs.

She was about to walk past me but I caught her wrist.

Electric waves flowed through my veins as my skin was in contact with hers. My skin was on fire. Her skin was so soft and warm, too warm.

I placed my palm cupping her jaw, feeling her warm temperature. I placed the back of my palm on her forehead to insure.

"You have a fever." I said pointing out her warm skin. She just shook her head relentlessly

"I'm fine, I'll get going now." She gets out from my grip, the fire ignited in me vanished.

"Wait." I grabbed her arm and my reacted again. She looks up at me, her hazel eyes are sparkling... stop thinking this way Hunter!

I snap out of my thoughts. "You think its a good a idea for a girl walking around at night?" I started.

"I'm not just walking around, besides I have a pocket knife with me." She says stubbornly. "No, your still not safe." I said sternly.

"You don't own me." She places her bag on her shoulders and walks downstairs almost falling down but I caught her on time.

This girl can't even walk on her own.

"You can't even walk." I sighed. "Have you even eaten anything this day?" She shook her head. No wonder...

"Well now we know why you passed out." She sighs in defeat. I cup her in my arms, her legs were on my left arm as caught her waist on my right, her neck rested on my chest. She looked like a baby.

I sat her down at the kitchen, so she can eat hot soup.

"Why are we here?" She says breaking the silence. "You have to eat hot food to at least feel warm." I said.

I heated the soup and got 2 bowls for the two of us.

We ate in the uncorfortable silence. "You made this?" She asks breaking the silence. "Yeah, just a simple recipe." She nods in understandment.

"Its been a long time since I've been here." She says looking around the quiet house. "Where's Mr. And Mrs. Jace?" She asks. "They're on 4 weeks vacation." I reply.


"Thanks for the food, but I'll get going now." She stands up. "You really want to be kidnapped do you?" I mock.

"Well apperently this guy brought me to his house while I was passed out." I rolled my eyes. "And leave a girl laying on the street? Yeah a gentleman wouldn't do that."

"A gentleman? Pff says what." She walks towards the door, as she was about to reach the handle

"Oh your not going anywhere." I picked her up by her legs and placed her on my shoulder.

"Put me down!" She was squirming out of my grip. "No can do." I opened my car door and sat her down.

I buckled her up and went to the driver's seat. "C'mon my house is just at the end of the neighboorhood." She says. I groan in protest, this girl can be really stubborn sometimes.

"Yeah says this fucking big neighborhood were creeps come out at night." She roles her eyes at me. "Whatever." She states in annoyance.

"And it takes only a 20 minute drive so no biggy."

I start the engine and drove off. The uncorfortable silence continued thickening the atmosphere. She was quietly looking outside the window. I decided to turn on the radio so it would fill up the silence.

I started humming to the song. Cute giggles were errupted from her voice catching my attention.

"What?" She just shook her head. "Nothing, its just I've always told you before you'd be a singer."

I look away trying to hide my smile from the thought.

We arrived at her house. "Were here." I said snaping out of her thoughts.

"Thanks for the ride." She says going out the car. I roll my window down.

"Wait Emilyn!" She stops and turns around. "Eat something okay." With that I drove off.

That wasn't so bad. Well I don't know if thats even called a hangout but it was okay. First time in a while being with her this long, I kinda miss it...

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