56: Who is Right?

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Well this one is a long one guys!

Enjoy!! <33

The night is cold, despite the windows being closed. It's not even the fact that the heater isn't on, especially in Jungkook's room. No, it's on. His room is quite room actually, yet it still feels cold. He feels cold himself. His insides feel cold.

Everything feels cold.

By this point, he feels more dead than alive. 

He can't focus, let alone sleep properly, no matter how late in the night it is.

With everything going on, he has tried so hard to keep his shit together. 

In front of the empire that is, after all, he is the face of them.

Doesn't mean he didn't throw a fucking mental fit the second he got to be alone, especially to the wonderful present he received tonight. 

His mind by this point is only circulating with that damn tape Taehyung sent to his computer not too long ago. Jungkook shouldn't have been affected by it, he has a shit ton of things on his plate as it is to deal with, besides it's not something he didn't know of already.

But to have him send that personally, that was a slap across the face.

Confirming it that yes, he's been seeing others while they had whatever fucked up relationship shit they had. 

With none other than his best friend.

To say that it completely destroyed him would be an understatement.

He could feel the pent-up teenager trauma he has held inside for years yearning to escape, wanting to burn the world down to fucking ashes as this finished him off fucking him over.

And maybe it did manage to come out while he threw his damn laptop against the wall, all the while tears burned his eyes despite how desperately he tried to shove it away.

All away, but it didn't work.

The tears that wouldn't stop streaming down his cheeks has now dried up.

Leaving him with that bittersweet taste of numbness as the aftermath.

There's only one thing that circulates his head as he lays down here in his room, feeling his heart going from a blooming rose of red to a tar sickening black. 

Betrayal is sweet.

Too sweet.

Jungkook doesn't even know what to feel anymore, or if he even does feel anything, let alone think. He knows Taehyung is trying to edge him on, especially knowing how close him and Jimin are. 

While using Jimin in his weakest against him.

But that failed to work.

As if anything in this world would ever be strong enough for him to hate Jimin.

Nice try. 

So the moment Jimin got home, Jungkook didn't give Taehyung the satisfaction of being angered or upset with the other man. He smiled at him instead, despite showing his clear reluctant eyes, and told him goodnight.

Yet, even though nothing can make Jungkook hate Jimin, doesn't mean it changes his utter anger towards him.

No words can describe how bad Jungkook wanted to kill him.

At that moment, when he needed his best friend, this happened.

Jungkook wanted to so badly.

But he kept himself still. 

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