64: Department Store Dates

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Being in this dreadful building only brought unfavorable distaste to Taehyung's soul in the painfullest way possible. Like drinking a vile of sandpaper poison.

He only entered this Federal building once, ever, and it was before he was sent to South Korea; Going over safety procedures and things like that, and now he's here again, and not for the greatest reasons.

He had to deal with a heavy interrogation of multiple questions that the agency asked him in relation to his father, and if he knew any connections as to why this happened to him or who was behind his death. Even about Oasis's presence at the funeral.

Easily Taehyung could've said the truth - bring justice to his father and let the federals deal with Oasis on their own hands with the information has about them thus far.

Yet.... He didn't do that.

He lied.

He lied fluently and efficiently.

He's not an agent to lay his life down for them, and he's not about to be a snitch and tell them everything.

If they haven't figured it out who it was then they suck at their job.

Maybe somewhere deep down in Taehyung's heart, he thought about Jungkook. His fear of being betrayed and this whole issue with the feds being involved with his empire. No matter what grudge and vendetta Taehyung has with Jungkook, he's not about to commit the one thing he feared the most for Taehyung to do to him - and that's be a snitch.

Taehyung's business with his father is between him, Oasis and Orchids.

That's it.

After hours of questioning and condolences empty words later, Taehyung is out of the building with an annoyed expression fixating his eyes.

At some point during the interrogations, they accused him of him being behind everything and being an acquaintance to Oasis - which was bullshit yet not in a way. He grew so angry and frustrated that he just got insanely calm.

He can't blow up there, that's what they want.

However he just knows how to handle himself in these situations, so he got out easily and without an issue after four fucking hours.

Now that he's out, he can finally just rest-

"Finish being a good boy for the goody adults?"

Of fucking course.

Taehyung heavily lets out a deep breath in utter irritation and turns his head. Jungkook casually is leaning against the Federal building, a mischievous glint in his eyes. What's entirely different about him that made Taehyung be a bit taken back is how..... Casual Jungkook is dressed up right now; The ripped jeans are tight against his thick thighs, following by a black tight t-shirt with a navy blue and white flannel over it, the sleeves raised up to his elbows to show his mural of tattoos with combat boots fitting the entire fit

His hair is wavy parted down the middle in messy waves, letting Taehyung see his beautiful doe eyes.

This is unlike his cover when he used to dress as a nerd, or the signature formal attire when he is in Oasis headquarters.

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