76: Remember The Suffering

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Jungkook's whole body feels like it shut down the moment he head that horrid noise. He snaps his head to where the loud gunshot came from, hoping it was just a mix of his imagination flashing through his eyes.

To his utter relief it was Yoongi shooting the spot near Hoseok's head so he would stop screaming at him. That definitely got him to quiet down.

And because of that sudden act of hostility, Taehyung is by far more annoyed than he has ever been.

"Everyone get the fuck out! Right now! Let me handle this!" He orders with a loud voice, instantly making all the boys walk out of the room and close the door shut behind them.

Jungkook is still in a daze to everything that's zooming in his head. He's neither rushing it or blocking it, more so letting it flow in a beautiful wave in his mind.

Especially as he stares at Taehyung.

It all falls to Taehyung.

The older takes in his pulses again and slowly nods, "Alright, your pulses are better. Do you think you can-"

And just like that....

Jungkook bursts out laughing. A full on loud and wheezing laugh. The type of laugh that made him curl up on the floor as he laughed with his whole chest, a bubble of cynical giggles escaped his lips along with the many thoughts rushing his mind all in one spiral.

So beautiful.

Beautiful thoughts.

"I'm going to kill him," Jungkook giggles heavily, instantly scrambling to his feet, breaking out a twisted smile from his lips, "It's going to be so marvelous. So precious! Ha! It's going to be amazing!"

Taehyung warily looks at him, seeing the way Jungkook's body is shaking at an unnerving level and his eyes are wide and glow in a pure psychopathic gleam.

Jungkook only laughs louder, "He hurt me. He fucking hurt me! Me! Jeon Jungkook! I'll show him pain! Haha! I'm going to show him so much pain!" The younger giggles as he starts to pace in the room, angrily gripping his hair as a mix of sobs now eases out his throat.

"Jungkook," Taehyung reluctantly calls out, making Jungkook turn his full attention to him, who only gasps dramatically and jumps to him with hands clasping his face.

He's touching my face.

Skin to skin contact...

This isn't good.

"My baby," Jungkook gleams fondly, suddenly looking up at Taehyung's brown hair, "Wait no, you're hair is suppose to be red. No! Idiot! It's brown! Wasn't it blonde?" Jungkook mutters frantically under his breath but then released a strained chuckle, leaning to Taehyung's face, "I don't even know anymore haha! Can you help me kill Harry? Wait! You killed Yeosang! Wait, no he's alive! You stupid bitch lied to me! Wait hold on, I feel bad. What about your father? I told you to take me with you when you buried him! Ha oh silly me! You did! You're so sweet!"

There's so much he's saying at once that are rushing through his head and it's driving him insane as he tries to chase after it, and Taehyung can clearly see that.

"Jungkook please, you need to calm down," Taehyung tries to ease him and places a hand on his shoulder but Jungkook only yelps, jumping away as if Taehyung burned him.

What just happened?

Jungkook eyes suddenly filled with tears to the rushing memories of that haunting night and he lets out a broken laugh mixed with a horrid sob, "They fucked me. They shoved their dick down my throat. Burned my body. Electrocuted me. Beat me. Touched me. A-And..... He was there," Jungkook mumbles, remembering a familiar pair of green eyes with curly hair, staring at him with lustful eyes in the darkness of the cell.

Get out!

Get out of my head!

Jungkook cries out in pain as he presses his back against the wall, gripping even more tightly to his hair with starling eyes moving all over the place.


He's everywhere.

Why can't he leave me alone!

Seeing this sudden attitude skyrocketed Taehyung's worry even more as he takes a step closer to the shaking boy, "He? Who is he?"

Jungkook's eyes only roams the floor, feverishly shaking his head, bubbling another giggle, "I will kill him. Kill. Kill. Kill! I WILL FUCKING END HIS EXISTEN-"

A loud slap echoes the room.

Jungkook's face flies to the side, his breath growing shallow but heavily while Taehyung stares at him, who's hand is now burning to how hard he slapped him and instantly felt guilt filling up his chest upon hearing a strangled whimper escape the younger's lips.

Oh no...

What did he do?!?

"Jungkook, I'm sorry-"

"Get out," The dark growl that escape Jungkook's lips made Taehyung swallow the lump down his throat, his frantic body trying to control itself.

No no!

Stupid impulsive move!

He has to understand why I did it!

Oh God the trauma might grow even worse...

Taehyung takes a step closer, "Jungkook please, I didn't mean to-"

And slowly Jungkook trails his eyes to look at Taehyung, a dark clouded gleam filling his orbs behind his sweaty long hair.

He looks like a demon.

"I said get out," He growls once again, the tears evidently glossy behind his dark eyes with his entire face tense and shows clear signs of anger. Taehyung wanted to do anything but leave; he wanted to cry about how sorry he was for being so hostile while knowing Jungkook's fragile state, but now all he can do is just nod and slowly walk out the room.

Not before hearing a silent cry escape Jungkook's lips the moment he closed the door.


I will update more today don't worry hahaha this was very intense. Next chapter will have a very......... Emotional context. May have a few triggers and I will give you guys a heads up warning when it starts and ends.

Don't worry, we will get badass Oasis soon, this is all just part of the storyline heheh

Thank you for your patience!!


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