96: I Trusted You Kookie

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Song Recommendation: Devil Within - Digital Daggers


Yeosang stares at the dark wall in front of him, expressionless with hot threatening tears escaping his eye lids to the bubbling feeling of betrayal circulating his mind.

His Kookie forgave him......

Forgave that man....

How could he do something like this?

He remembers telling everyone to not hurt Taehyung before the other stabbed him but it was mainly because he thought he was going to die and he was so innocent back then and blinded by Taehyung's love. At first he forgave the older easily when he woke up the first time, but as time passed and he saw how the older held him hostage and treated him in his home, after that everything changed.

He never forgave him after that.


He became someone he never wanted to be.

And shit he doesn't even know himself at this point.

Taehyung has mind fucked with every single sense of his sanity, making him lose touch the person he once was to becoming this boy in lust for blood and feeds of anger from the moments of paralysis he had to endure.

Taehyung is only a plague for Oasis.

A plague for Jungkook.

At this point Yeosang didn't even stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks. At this point he doesn't even feel the cuffs on both of his wrists that's attached to a chain against the wall so he wouldn't escape and go on another assassination attempt on Taehyung.

What is going on?

Why are they defending him?

It doesn't make any sense?

Did they really stop caring about him?

That now they are treating him like the enemy?

Like..... An animal?

Yeosang's sudden thoughts where disturbed by the metal door creaking open. From his complete darkness, a light suddenly illuminated at the center of the room from the switch against the wall, in stepping the person he's been dying yet dreading to see for the past month.

His only family.

And the look on Jungkook's face only shows a deadly tranquility that made Yeosang slightly shift back in unease.

At first the two didn't say anything, only stares at each other with Jungkook's gaze not fazing from the deadly coldness behind them.

And Yeosang is feeling that small sense of pain once again by his stare, almost as if he was one of his victims or his enemy.

"Taehyung is alive," Jungkook suddenly states, only making a deep frown form Yeosang's lips, "Missed some important organs but he'll wake up soon."

And that news only aggravated Yeosang to the core.

Why does he care so much!

"Sadly," The younger scoffs under his breath, making Jungkook narrows his eyes and take a daring step closer to him.

"Excuse me?"

Yeosang couldn't help but glare back at him and rises to his feet, "You heard me. I said sadly because I wanted to kill him! I wanted to remove his existence from this damn Earth-"

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