91: Main Three Mafias Meeting

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As much as Taehyung wanted to brush this unnerving anger from his bubbling chest and act professional in front of the members in this meeting, he can't do that. All he can think about is Jungkook's terrified face as Harry fucks with his body and mind.

What is mostly bothering Taehyung more about this situation is the fact that he didn't get to Jungkook on time.

He was too late.

And that haunts his thoughts from the moment he wakes up to the moments he sleeps, even in his dreams.

Always late for everything.

Late in finding out Jungkook's identity when he already had fallen in love with him.

Late to know his father was using him to only get Jungkook behind bars.

Late to realize Orchids were in Korea already watching him this whole time, so he was never safe.

Late in saving Jungkook....

He's always late.

Not anymore.

He's not going to hold back, especially if it means to keep Jungkook safe.

Taehyung was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that the guard had already lead them to the conference room.

Something inside Taehyung snapped when Jungkook's body froze in mid step the moment they met Harry's blazing green eyes. Something about the mischevious glint behind his surprised eyes crushed every sense of sanity inside Taehyung as he grabs a wine glass from the table, slams it against the edge and lunges at Harry with every single intent to kill him.

He deserves to fucking die!

However, ironed strength arms yanks him back before he is able to reach Harry. His attempts didn't stop as he tried hard to swing the glass to somehow harm the other man but the arms only pulls him farther back aggressively, only aggravating him even more.

In the midst of his sudden struggle to escape the arms, Jungkook stands in front of him and yanks the broken wine glass from his hard hand, "Tae, stop," Jungkook hisses lowly, making he other forcefully snap his eyes towards him from Harry's amused stare, "I need you, okay? Come on, now isn't the time, please."

As much as Taehyung wanted to rip Harry to ducking nag pieces, Jungkook's thin plead behind his voice only made Taehyung calm down and he fericely removes his body from the guard holding him, sending Zayn, who is sitting on a chair like throne with a smug smirk on his face, a respectful bow.

"I apologize for my behavior," Taehyung says politely, glaring a lethal stare to Harry, who only wiggles an eyebrow in return.

Oh he's so lucky they don't have weapons right now.

Zayn waves off Taehyung's apology and sits up straight, "What's a madia conference without a little blood, hm? Please do be seated," he says politely as he motions to the two empty chairs to his other side. Jungkook and Taehyung remove to sits across Harry and Louis on the oval table, none of them exchanging any respectable looks except for Louis, who only looks at the wall with cold eyes.

As Taehyung continues to glare murderously at Harry, he feels a hand on his knee from underneath the table. Without thinking twice Taehyung moves Jungkook's hand to his mid thigh and holds hold it tight, almost installing feeling himself calm down.

Professional, he needs to act professional.

Just for Jungkook.

"Well since we are all here, I would like to say thank you all for coming to Icarus without a early notice," Zayn starts off with a sarcastic smile, "As you all may know, no one really knows my identity, and that's usually because they end up dead before leaving my palace. Now I don't want to kill any of you, but it seems like you guys want to kill each other so let's maintain the peace, yeah?"

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