118: Mental Breakdowns

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It wasn't the bitter taste of alcohol on his tongue or the stench of his own sweat that woke Taehyung up the following morning, it was the pounding of his headache and the instant sensation of nasuea bubbling up the pit of stomach. He tried to avoid it as much as he could but eventually it became too much for him to bear and he groans painfully, peering his eyes open to only shuts his eyes closed when the light hit his eyes.

Damn did I get that badly fucked last night?

Taehyung once again groans groggily and aims to rub his eye but then he feels smething heavy on his chest. He freezes for a moment and peers his eyes open, seeing a familiar blob of silk hair pressed against his chest.

For a second, Taehyung wanted to scream.

He wanted to scream to God, to praise and thank him for it being all just a dream, and he instantly promised he would start being a good christian boy after this experience. Okay, maybe not to that length, but he will try to fix up his shitty habits for sure.

However, that hope instantly faded away the second he noticed that Jungkook's body wasn't moving.

At all.

He's not alive....

That's when an instant rush of memories snaps Taehyung's mind all at once; the bar, drinking hallucination, arguing with Jungkook's body and then.... Sleeping with his corpse.

Oh Taehyung wanted to throw up so bad right about now.

This will be the last time he will hold him in his arms.... Craddle his body against his.... Then he's going to be one with the Earth, like every Oasis member after their death.

He will never see Jungkook's beautiful face again, not until the afterlife and that won't be anytime soon.

A sudden fumbling against his stomach made his body jolt in surprise and that's when he noticed the tiny body behind Jungkook. Taehyung slightly cranes his head and his heart dropped upon seeing Yeosang's body cuddled up to Jungkook, arms tight around his torso with his small face nuzzling to Jungkook's back, breathing heavily in his deep sleep.

He probably had nightmares again and came here after not finding Taehyung.

Taehyung closes his eyes with a tight string squeezing his chest, letting that numbness circulate his body as he runs his finger's through Jungkook's short hair, detatching himself of his emotions for a slight moment just so he can feel him..... Feel Jungkook in his arms.

If only he wasn't so cold, and was breathing, and snoring lightly as he sleeps.

If only he wasn't dead.

Those little things that once meant nothing now means everything to Taehyung, and he didn't know how much he would miss it until now that it's gone. From the smallest trait of Jungkook breathing or feeling his tender touches, those small gestures Taehyung not put too much mind since he thought he would always feel them forever.

Now he's alone, and he yearns for those simple moments once again.

He just wants to feel him breathing again.


Suddenly the door creaks open, disturbing Taehyung of his rushing thoughts and in the room steps Seokjin. A deep frown plays his lips upon seeing the sight before his eyes, still unable to believe that this actually happened to his Jungkook. The older's heart breaks apart even more but he swallows it down with a forced smile as he approaches the bed.

"Good morning."

Taehyung licks his lips and holds Jungkook closer to his chest, "Morning.... What time is it?"

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