93: Karma of Orchids

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Taehyung stands still at the center of Harry's dim lit room, watching as the other man trail to sit the end of his large bed with a cigarette between his fingers and his ankle over his other leg.

"So what brings you here? Thought you would be a coward like before," Harry taunts smugly as he takes a hit of his cigarette.

God how was I able to stand being his right hand man for over two years?

Taehyung narrows his eyes, "Well guess time changes people, apparently so," he scowls with unfazed eyes to the smiling man, "Aren't you tired Harry? Of hurting people? Doesn't it..... Just feel too much at some point?"

The green eyed man only mimics Taehyung's actions and squints his eyes while rising to his feet, approaching the brunette with a familiar dominance before blowing smoke to his face, making the other only blink at his face.

"No. I take joy in it," He mocks bitterly and walks around him until he's standing right behind the smaller man, "Just like I took joy in killing your father."

Taehyung grits his teeth angry and digs his finger nails to his arms to control his need to punch the other across the face, "You're in need of a new hobby then."

The other only chuckles darkly and leans to his ear, "We use to have many hobbies together, do you remember that?"

Those words kind made Taehyung shifts uncomfortably to them memories and by how Harry's warm breath caress his neck, "I only wish not to. It always ended up in pain."

"Oh not all the time," Harry's other hand is now touching Taehyung's body; trailing his shoulder and slowly moves down to the naked middle of his chest, "Sometimes we would be bad, but it always ended up good."

Taehyung snarls at the horrid memories and pushed his hand away, "You were manipulative and a twisted bastard. I was just a kid-"

"Oh but you enjoyed it," By now Harry's lips are on his neck, gently caressing his skin with the soft texture of his lips, "Why are you here Karma? I know it's not to have a heart to heart conversation or to fuck me."

The brunette fiercely turns around, a murderous glare in his eyes, "I came to warn you. Stay the fuck away from Jungkook. I'm not part of Oasis so anything I do to you wouldn't be effecting them, so stay back," He snarls with every venomous bone in his body, feeling good to finally stand up to someone who never allowed him to speak his mind in the first place.

Jungkook showed him better, he taught him to have a mouth and go speak.

And that's something he will always be grateful for.

Sadly for his case, Harry hates being told what to do.

Out of no where Taehyung is suddenly thrown back and his back lands on the king sized bed, a muffled groan escaping his lips from the impact but soon shrieks when Harry straddles him and pins a knife against his neck.

From where the fuck did he get a knife?!?

"Awe, baby has a voice now? Good for you," Harry giggles maniacally but then got serious and leans to his face, "Don't you forget who was the one that made you like this Karma. Do you still feel it Taehyung? Those chaotic thoughts to kill? That impulse to torture until you don't hear your victims screams anymore? Does those noises still keep you up at night?"

Taehyung grits his teeth as his body starts to feverishly shake with the sudden blood lust and the need to kill but he's not going to give Harry that satisfaction, so he remains calm.

"You may be my creator for me being who I was, but I am who I am now because of me and Jungkook. He's clearly a better leader than you ever were," Taehyung spats bitterly, only making Harry darken his gaze as he digs the knife deeper to Taehyung's neck.

"I could kill you right now, you know that right?" Harry taunts as he bounces the knife from one side of Taehyung's neck to the other lightly, almost if deciding which side he will sink the knife into.

Taehyung licks his lips nervously and narrows his eyes, "But you won't."

The challenge only stops Harry in mid action and he grins widely, craning his neck to the side in a similar way Taehyung had done before, "And why is that?"

All the thoughts and thinking process cane to this moment, and Taehyung prays that this isn't the case.

"Because you love me," He says calmly, making the other tense up above him, "That's why you haven't killed me this whole time. That's why you killed your younger sister Genevieve because she was with me. You don't want me dead, you just want me to suffer. I would know, I didn't want to kill Jungkook but I wanted him to suffer as much as I did after he hurt me."

That horrid thought came to Taehyung while he was cuddling up to the younger in his room; trying to pin point the reason for Harry's actions against him and why he would go to these lengths.

He will gain nothing out of it, especially if he has other important business to do.

It's simple, he wants Jungkook out of the picture and have Taehyung all for himself.

And judging how Harry's smile suddenly dropped and how he narrows his eyes at the brunette just proved to Taehyung that he was right.

Oh God...

Harry sneers his teeth and stabs the knife beside Taehyung's head, right on the bed, "I'm not in love with you Taehyung," he growls angrily and leans closer to his face, "I'm utterly obsessed with you, there's a difference. However, you're little boyfriend is starting to grow a soft spot in me, even after I fucked-"

Taehyung flips them over and grips his neck with a strong hand, glaring down at the giggling man, "Don't you ever dare say that around me. You better watch your back because I will kill you one day, maybe not here but I will, and I will make it so memorable for Genevieve's and my father's honor."

Harry only smiles widely at Taehyung and raises a hand to caress his cheek, "If you even live to see me die, or anyone in general the longer you linger in this room."


Taehyung's whole face twists in confusion until he sensed something move by then window. His eyes slowly turns and in a distance he could spot these men attacking the guards quietly and try to edge towards the mansion.

His lips gapped.

Harry wants to kill the Spawn of Haides.

And Oasis all together.


Taehyung immediately got off the laughing man and rushes to the door.

"It's too late, in just a few minutes this place goes boom boom," Harry giggles with twinkling eyes, "It was a pleasure seeing you Taehyung."

And just like that, Taehyung runs out of the room without a second thought.


Harry...... This man is such an insane villain I swear. His character is interesting, evil and manipulative, yet very intelligent.

The way he thinks is literally ready to risk it all.

Ahh let's see what happens!!!!

I told you I was going to update sooner hahaha


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