84: Trouble in Five

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Yoongi slams the truck of the car shut, concealing the dead goon from eye sight. Namjoon took care of taking Niall while Jimin and Yoongi were left to deal with the dead body, which was actually bearable to deal since it wasn't the first time Yoongi had to do something like this.

All he cares is that his leader is okay and he is, thanks to Taehyung.

"Orchid empire is falling down, falling down. Orchid empire is falling down, all the way to hell," A familiar brunette sings lightly from the hood of the car, his long legs dangling to the side with ease as he stares up at the sky, a childish look on his face.

Has Yoongi ever seen a more perfect human being than him, besides Hoseok of course.

"Alright, lets go," Yoongi says as he takes out the keys.

Jimin snaps his eyes to the raven haired man and hops off the hood, a beaming smile on his face, "Off to a new adventure?"

Yoongi stares at him for a moment and rolls his eyes, "Sure, to the woods to burn the body. Hobi is going to meet us there."

Jimin's smile widens and he claps childishly, "Yay, so much fun! And then can we go back to our hotel room and have an orgy?"

Yoongi nearly trips over his feet upon hearing that and snaps his wide eyes up to the seductive smaller man, who's still looking at him innocently with a cute pout on his lips.


Very tempting.

"E-Excuse me?" Yoongi manages to blurt out, only making Jimin smirk widely and approach the older with intense dark eyes.

"You can have me you know?" Jimin whispers lowly, eying Yoongi's lips with a heavy stare, "We don't have to hide."

Yoongi never have wanted to throw someone against a car and fuck them against it so bad in his life. His every instinct is telling him to let his mind go, to go after his desires and make the smaller man his.

But..... He can't do that.

Especially if he's in a relationship with Hoseok.

"We...... We should go," The older mutters as Jimin begins to lean towards him, making the younger stop mid way.

Yoongi is only able to stare at the way his eyes went from a dark lustful gaze to completely emotionless in a matter of seconds, and he's back to plastering a wide smile on his lips.

"Right...... Our adventure here we go!" Jimin gleams and skips to the passenger side of the car.

But Yoongi didn't fail to notice the way his voice cracked towards the end of his sentence.

"Can we just kill him? He won't stop fucking screaming!" Seokjin groans, sending a lethal glare to the door that holds the blonde haired male inside, who has been shouting ever since he got here.

Namjoon has knocked him out a few times with the end of his gun, but whenever he woke up again he would start screaming.

And Seokjin is losing his mind.

"We have to wait for Jungkook and Taehyung," Hoseok interjects, staring at the front door of Taehyung's old house, "They'll be here soon."

"Unless they're fucking in the car as we speak," Namjoon mutters, earning a slap on the backside of his head from Seokjin.

"You dumbass, Jungkook is traumatized! He's not going to get into that stage yet," The older scolds, making Hoseok bubble a childish giggle towards the taller's annoyed face and how he mutters an apology for being disrespectful.

Suddenly Hoseok's phone runs and he takes it out, "Gotta go, Yoongi is on his way with the body to the woods," he says sternly and grabs his hoodie and hauls it over his head.

The older analyzed him carefully and narrows his eyes, "When are you going to tell Yoongi?"

Hoseok's body instantly tenses you and he looks at the older with a stern look on his face, "Tell Yoongi, what?"

This time Namjoon cuts in, "How you've been eyeing a certain smaller male with the chaotic personality. It doesn't take a genius to notice that."

To this Hoseok stands up straight, his eyes casting a deadly gleam behind them as he takes his gun and shoves it in the rim of his pants, a deep scowl forming his lips, "Stay out of my relationship," Was the only thing he mutters before walking out the front door and slamming it shut behind him.

Seokjin stares at the closed door for a minute but the shouting from the other door slices his train of thought. He glares at the door and slams it with his hand, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

The shouting only increases more, even through the duck tape that Seokjin slammed against his mouth, he's still so fucking loud.

Namjoon chuckles at the male and grabs his hand, tugging him closer, "Calm down, he'll be dead before you know it."

Seokjin only scowls and rips his hand from Namjoon's grasp, "Don't...... Dont do that."

The taller's face drops slowly and he groans annoyedly, "Jin, it happened a year ago, please can we move past this."

He didn't want to. He still wants to be mad, and he will remain mad if it's the last thing he does.

"No, not really. You fucked up my chances of going to Harvard just so I would stay with you! You don't do that to someone you care about Namjoon!" Seokjin snaps, feeling his blood boil, "I could've been getting my medical degree in one of the most greatest schools in the world..... And you messed that up.... So of course I'm be fucking upset!"

And he wasn't lying, he still can't forgive him for that. A year ago him and Namjoon were dating, and they were doing so great as a couple together. When Seokjin applies to Harvard University and got accepted, Namjoon decided it was a great idea to send Seokjin's actual records to the university.

His real records.

So of course because of his criminal history and current history, he instantly got rejected.

And Seokjin never forgave him after that.

He still cares about him, that much is obvious, but he will never be able to trust him again. As of now, they work together as a gang and look after one another.

But what they had would be so hard to ever build up again.

Hahaha I know it's not VKook but I hope you guys enjoyed these little Namjin, and Yoonminseok!!!

Well I have to get ready for class so this authors note won't be too long hahaha


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