Chapter two: Falling apart again

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Y/n's POV

"Here? Or... Wait where?" I ask as I keep my balance on a chair while Jihyo helps me finding where the perfect place to place the letters on the wall.

"Yeah That's perfect don't move and place it there."

I did what I was told and hopped off the chair, placing it aside.

"Can't believe you convince the dean to make the party on 3-7 pm." Jihyo said and I laughed.

"Can you blame me? I want what's best for the students here." I lied.

I didn't told the truth because the real reason why I wanted the party to last long was because I wanted to spend more time with her. With Nayeon's hectic schedule and she needed me around since Jeongyeon needs to go to North korea for an important business meeting.

Nayeon just simply wants someone to talk to and she needed to drag me along.

"And I'm looking forward on meeting your fling this year." I said and Jihyo pushed me almost knocking me off my feet.

"He isn't a 'fling' He's... real. And I don't intend to end things sooner."

My heart ached when she said he's real. Jihyo never talked to me about someone who's 'real' to her. I'm starting lose hope.

"And who is 'He' Again?" I asked as i cleaned the stage.

"You'll see at the party."

"So he's studying here?" I asked and Jihyo nodded.

"Hm..." I said and looked at her. Jihyo frowned at me and threw a crumpled paper in my face but I caught it.

"I know what you're thinking and stop. Don't make him uncomfortable tomorrow when the party starts."

'Oh so he's coming to the party? Fuck.'


"Yo y/n." Seokjin raised his hand waiting for me to do the same and high five him. I look at his hand and back to his eyes.

I ignored it and stood properly my eyes burning with anger.

"What the fuck did you and your cousin do to chaeyoung?" I asked and Seokjin gulped. I saw it and it was hard to miss.

"Y/n it was just an accident, chaeyoung knows that. I already offered to take her to the clinic but she declined and walk past me. I swear I didn't mean for that to happen." He raised his hands in surrender.

I stayed silent for a moment studying his features. I clicked my tongue and took a step forward punched him in the stomach. He groaned and held his stomach his knees to the ground.

I pulled him by the collar and whispered directly in his ears. "If you ever touch or go near chaeyoung... That bmw you have behind me will be sorry."

I pushed him to the floor and walked towards my bike. I revved the motorcycle before driving out of there to go to Jype.

My phone has constant messages from Nayeon but I ignored it and just drove faster in thr highway.


When I got there Nayeon's friend- Sana was there waiting for me. I parked my bike and jogged towards her.

"Hey where is she?" I asked and sana almost dropped her phone upon hearing my voice.

"Jeez She's in her room here you know where that is right?"

I nod and said thanks.

I casually walked to the elevator with my phone in my right hand scrolling to my old photos like I would normally do when I'm bored. I found an old photo of me by a lake with mom. I got too carried away and I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said almost too quickly. The guy was tall but we were inches apart. He doesn't look like he belonged here either. He looks lost like a puppy who's trying to find it's owner.

"I'm sorry." He said too. "Can you show me where Myoui Mina's little practice room is? I'm kind of lost." He's ears turned red from embarrassment. 'Cute' I thought.

"Yeah it was on my way I can show you." I said smiling warmly. He thanked me and we walk side by side and talked about little things just to ease the awkwardness.

"I'm Sehun from-"

"From exo, yeah I figured." I said and he looked at me confused. I chuckled and look straight ahead.

"What? You though I was going to ask for a photo and I would brag about it on social media? I don't roll like that." I said and he gave me an approving smile.

"Thank god. I've dealt with more than enough people for today." He sighed in frustration and I couldn't help but feel a little bad.

Being famous is not really easy especially in korea. rumours spread and once it's about you people think of you differently.

"I once had like 300 people waiting for me outside my school. Me and my bestfriend practically had to run to my motorcycle to escape the crowd."

It was true. The last bell rang and I Just finished my last class with Jihyo. It was last year and A memorable one.

"You're a celebrity?" He asked in a calm yet curious way. His ears were open and was waiting for me to answer.

"Nope. My sister is. Im Nayeon?"

"ooh Nayeon yeah we go way back. Are you on your way to her now?" He asked and I nodded.

"Speaking of... Mina practices here all the time you should find her here. Nayeon's room is right besides it." I pointed at the brown door besides the one we were standing in front of.

"Shall I see you soon?" He asked and I nodded

"Probably no But let's hope for the best sehun." I said and walked away.

He seemed like a nice guy and a total boyfriend material. But like I said... Jihyo is the one I got my eyes on.


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