chapter eighteen: Everything changed

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Jihyo's POV

"Is she?" I asked acting as If I didn't care. Because I don't.

"I just ran into her in the hotel. She told me not to tell you in a not so subtle way." Daniel said whilst slumping on my chair.

"Get off my chair I need work to do dickhead." I said and he laughed and put his hands up in surrender.

"Aren't you going to talk to her? You know, get to know each other and all." He said playing with the souvenirs/ trophies I got. I stole it from his hands and put if where it belongs.

"Why would I do that? She left without explaining anything, I should be the one who gets the advantage." I said and slumped down on my chair.

"Still. You should talk to her. I know how much she loves you and vice versa."

"Loved. Past tense. I'm sure she feels the same way I do." I said without showing any emotion. fucks sakes she left. She left me.

"I'm pretty sure she still loves you Jihyo~ah. you should just talk to her."

Ever since I broke up with Daniel 5 Years ago when y/n left, He understands my situation. He told me that he just wanted a distraction from his family so he used me. Not blaming him and I put it past me. It's been 5 years and I don't care. He stuck by me when y/n left and whenever I cried he's still by my side. He never left.

"What good would it do? Besides she's probably with Chloe or someone that isn't me right now." I said and He gave me a mischievous smile. I looked at him and I clicked my tongue before groaning.

"Daniel don't." I warned him but he didn't listen.

"You're Jealous. The way you said Chloe's name says it all. Jihyo, You don't need to hide it from me." He said in the most sincere way as possible.

"I don't have time for this. I need to prepare for a meeting later. If you don't mind." I said and gestured that he should leave.

He sighed. "Atleast talk yo Nayeon. She can probably explain why y/n left." He stood up and left my office.

I clenched my fist and tried my best not to rage. She came back after leaving me 5 years ago. Because of a mistake I did. Everyone blames me for her leaving. I got shit and she got freedom. Why in the world would I welcome her in open arms?

I opened my laptop and typed her name online. It revealed quite a lot. She finished college in Japan, still pursuing her dream like she should. Got the highest in her classes with a wide smile. Acting like she didn't do anything wrong. I scoffed and dug deeper. But none came to view but her scholarship etc.

It angers me that she had fun. Like she deserves it. What she deserve is karma. And I am going to give it to her.


"New actress? And I'm going to be in the same drama as her?" I said and Jyp nodded.

"She's very talented Jihyo. I'm sure you'd like her. You two are going to be the main characters, and you'll be in a quarrel." He said reading it on a piece of paper.

"Sounds easy enough. When can I meet her?" I asked calmly and he said tomorrow evening.

"I'll be there." I said and stood up leaving his office.

I headed straight outside since I parked my car there and saw a familiar figure by a black mercedes. She wore sunglasses and a white t-shirt with a matching blackpants. There's only one person who would wear this kind of fashion sense.

'Fucking hell...'


Y/n's POV

"Ne... I'm already here." I said over the phone and played with my straw. I patiently sat on a café after doing the audition earlier, waiting for Her to arrive.

"You certainly are excited to see me y/n." She said and chuckled over the phone making me smile.

"It's been 5 Years chloe. Ofcourse I want to see you and how you're doing." I said cheekily and she scoffed.

"You haven't changed your taste in coffee at all."

I frowned with a smile and looked up to see Chloe with her phone on the side of her head against her ear. She cut her hair to a short length and dyed it to white blonde. I smiled widely and stood up. She walked towards me a bit faster and embraced me like there was no tomorrow.

I chuckled and returned the hug with a smile on my face. Outside the cafe I saw a woman in her car looking directly at me. I frowned and she noticed I was staring. She rolled her window up and drove away. I was about to go outside to check it out but I remembered Chloe's here.

I pulled away and she kissed me on the cheek making me froze. She laughed at me and sat down.

"Gosh you should've seen your face when I kissed you." She laughed more and made me flustered.

"You should stop doing that." I rolled my eyes and she giggled holding both my hands.

"I just miss you pabo." She said and It was my turn to smile.

"You miss me?" I teased her and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Atleast I do. Most your friends hate your guts right now for what you did."

I really didn't want to leave but that day I was so determined to do so. I made up my mind so quickly that I acted on my instinct. Before I knew it I woke up from a hotel room in Japan. I can't risk going home it might be a bold thing to do. Besides I was already there, Why not enjoy it?

"Speaking of them, When will you tell them you're here?" She asked taking my Iced coffee and drinking it as if it was her own.

"Rude." I said and she winked at me. "They'll just see me on Television or in the news tomorrow" It was my turn to wink and she looked at me suprised.

"You got the actress part?" She Asked excitedly and I nodded while smiling. She squealed and people looked at our direction. She laughed nervously and bowed saying sorry.

I shook my head and laughed while drinking my coffee.

"Tomorrow I'll shoot the trailer for my drama with a long time actress here. I didn't get her name but we'll meet tomorrow at the shooting scene." I announced.

"But aren't you suppose to get ready or trained before all that?"

"Pdnim said I don't have to. I spent years training for this in Japan. The one who taught me was a friend of jyp and he trusted him that I should just shoot the drama." I shrugged.

"But who's that other actress you'll film with?" Chloe asked in curiosity.

I shrugged unknowingly. "Like I said I'll find out tomorrow. Hopefully she's nice."


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