chapter seven: New student

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Jihyo's POV

Instead of calling Nayeon y/n called me. But she passed out somewhere in the public so I didn't end the phone call.

"Rosé is this gonna take long? Cuz y/n can't wait." I said looking out the window to see nothing but cars in a line.

"I-i don't know. fuck." She whispered the last part but I heard it.

I heard groaning from my phone and y/n calling out for my name. I fidgeted with my fingers waiting impatiently for the cars in front of us to move.

"Ji... He... was here... everyone's h-here..." Y/n said and a part of me snapped. I opened the car door and ran.

I heard rosé's voice calling for me. telling me to come back but my feet keeps moving. y/n needs me and i'm going to her. I'm not abandoning her... not again.


I panted and breathed heavily as I reached the river. I looked side by side as I keep walking restlessly. Then a thought came to my head.

"No..." I whispered and ran to the place where she should be. I sprinted and shouted her name even. She wouldn't go this far. she promised she wouldn't anymore.

My heart beats quickly the same pace my feet keeps moving. I reached where she should be and I was right.

"Y/n..." I said out of breath and ran to her. Bottles scattered everywhere and one she's holding half drank.

"Y/n, wake up. y/n..." I said her hair is a mess and looks like she'd been throwing the bottles out of anger.

"Please be okay..."


Y/n's POV

My head hurts. My whole body hurts. I don't remember a thing from yesterday.

I opened my eyes and it's dark. I looked everywhere to see it was my room. I sigh in relief and sunshine was peaking in from the curtain.

I sat up and my head hurts even more.

"fuck." I whispered and closed my eyes, my hand on my head trying to massage it.

"hurts ain't it?" I shot my eyes open and saw Jihyo at my couch, she just woke up.

"What happened?" I asked and put my feet on the floor with my head down.

"I don't know you tell me." She said standing up giving me pills and a bottle of water.

"Drink we still have school." She said and I chuckled.

"You think I'm going to school in my state? Give me a break Ji." I said and she looked at me with an expressonless face.

Kind of scary yet still cute.

"You're going."


"Since when was roseanne your chauffeur?" I asked and wore my sunglasses while stepping out of her car.

"She's not. and take those off, you'll look like an idiot." She said and gave me my bag and phone.

"My eyes are sensitive right now so leave me be." I said and she took it off me anyways.

"Great." I closed my eyes from the brightness.

"You'll live. come on let's go." She pulled me to the school.

'Jihyo seems to be in a bad mood today. What'd I do last night?'

"Hey guys." Chaeyoung greeted us with a warm smile and laughed at my state.

"Too much alcohol from last night's party
Y/n~ssi?" She asked and laughed. I rolled my eyes and sigh.

"I didn't go the party chae." I confessed and she looked at me confused.

"My dad is in town and I got drunk. Not something I'm proud of." I said and Jihyo looked at me with a concerned look, I ignored it.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? I could-"

"There's nothing you and I could of done if we confront my father. Even if we confront caitlyn." I said and chaeyoung sighed.

"Chloe's here too..." I confessed and the both of them looked at me suprised and confused.

"She's what?!" They both said in unison. I nodded and sigh.

"What are you going to do?" Jihyo asked hesitantly. She looks nervous.

"Nothing. I'll do absolutely nothing."

"You're kidding. you haven't talk to Chloe ever since. You should." Chaeyoung said and I saw Jihyo getting uncomfortable.

(Bell rings)

"Maybe next time chaeng." I said and walked away.

'There is no next time. Chloe may left because of me, But she knows deeps down it's all because of her insecurity.'


"Hey." Someone beside me said and I looked to see someone unfamiliar.

"Hey. You new?" I asked and she nodded.

"Chou Tzuyu." She said and extended her hand. I shook it while I said my name.

"You're not korean, right?" I asked and she chuckled nodding.

"I'm from Taiwan. I just moved here a month ago and unfortunately forgot to enroll." She laughed and I chuckled at her.

"Did you really?" I asked

She nodded still have a bright smile and laughter. "I really did."

"Okay class." The teacher came in and everyone went silent.

"We can talk later." I said and she nodded listening closely to the teacher.


"You're taiwanese? There's no one here who's from another country." Chaeyoung said and Tzuyu had doubt written on her face.

"Really? I just met someone who's a foreigner, according to her. I think her name was Nancy?" Chaeyoung laughed and Jihyo just frowned at her for doing so.

"Sis don't get too close to Nancy mcdonie. she looks harmless but she's spoiled and a pain in the ass." Chaeyoung said and Tzuyu just laughed.

"Why? What's her status here in this campus?"

"She's popular for sure. A total brat and-" I explained when I was cut off

"And totally obsessed with y/n here." Chaeyoung said making me hit her on the shoulder.

"Obsessed? Like she stalks you or something?" Tzu asked and I sighed.

"Something like that. But don't talk to her again. She's in America for a week I heard. Tomorrow she'll leave but not that long. When she comes back she'll be claiming her throne and starts to humiliate students again." I rolled my eyes.

"Geez is she that bad?" Tzu asked food in her mouth.

"You don't know the half of it." I stood up and walked away from the table for fresh air.

My phone is in my pocket and I took it out to see dozens of messages from Nayeon.

Dad is here.

Have you talked to him?

He wants to see and talk to you y/n

Come home later Dad is here and needs to apologize

I rolled my eyes and someone tap me from behind. I turned around to see Jihyo.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked still holding my phone on my hand making her see my messages. I closed it quickly but it was too late. she already saw it.

"We need to talk about what happened."


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