Chapter five: he comes back

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Y/n's POV

"I am not going on stage." I protested and Mina gave a smile and didn't even spoke. She just walked on stage, leaving me here anxiously.

"You'll do great Y/n." He said and it made me feel a little better.

"I'm not because i'm not going to perform." I said and looked at mina waving at some students while they cheer her on.

"Mina seemed serious to let you sing on stage." He said and I shook the statement off.

"Hi everyone." Mina said with a bright smile but her posture was calm.

Multiple claps and shoutings keeps ringing in my ears. I saw Jihyo on the side front row with her boyfriend.

I smiled sadly and just tried my best not to look at them. I kept my focus on Mina and her singing.

I noticed chaeyoung looking at Mina as if she was the only one in the room. I chuckled at how focused chaeyoung is at Mina.


The night ended well. Mina was too busy stealing glances at chaeyoung while on stage, so she didn't had a chance to call me up. I keep laughing and she complained about how stupid she was for forgetting.

"It was because of that girl!" Mina huffed while crossing her arms. Me and sehun laughed at her.

We three we're on stage while students already went home. Some stayed to clean. Which was Jihyo and her boyfriend.

"It seems like you enjoyed staring at her too myoui." I said and Mina rolled her eyes still annoyed.

"She's literally cleaning there, why don't you talk to her? Chaeng seems pretty interested in you too." I said and Chaeyoung was cleaning the tables while laughing and talking to a friend.

"What's there to talk about? I just want to go home and call it a day."

I rolled my eyes and sehun laughed besides me.

"Chaeyoung! Come here!" I shouted and Mina hit me on my side. I saw her blushed a little and me and Sehun chuckled.

Chaeyoung excused herself and jogged towards us and hopped up on the stage.

"Hey" Chaeyoung said a little out of breath and Mina looked down embarrased.

"Mina here forgot where the parking area is. Can you show her? I need to speak with Sehun for a few minutes. If it's alright with you?"

I carefully planned it and Chaeyoung nodded with a smile. Mina smiled a bit and looked up neutral look on her face. I kept my laughter in and watch them walk out.

"What now?" Sehun asked and I shrugged still have a smile on my face. It was only 2 in the morning and Sehun said he still doesn't want to go home.

"We could go get ice cream?" He offered and I smiled nodding.

We both walked to the park, having a little stroll and we soon ended up on a 24 hour diner.

I said i'd have an avocado ice cream and sehun will have the same but with sprinkles. This kid. I got my wallet out but Sehun offered to pay like a true gentleman. I blushed a little and we both sat down.

"Thank you for paying. I could've but you beat me to it." I chuckled and Sehun smiled.

"It's no worries. I like paying for someone's meals. Especially to the one's I like." He said and I smiled sadly.

It's not that I cringed but I felt sorry for him. Sure i'm attracted to him but my heart belongs to only one person. Deep down I know i'm only leading him on and I really like him to be a friend. He seems really nice and fun to be with. But a little voice in my head is telling me to back off and not lead him on.

My phone got a text message and I checked it to see Nayeon saying

Nayeon unnie
I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean all those things I said, Please come home I'm worried.

I felt my heart sunk and I out down my phone stood up.

"Sehun, I'm really sorry but Nayeon unnie is waiting for me. I wish this night won't end but she's really worried." I said and Sehun nodded right away. He understands.

He also stood up and texted someone before looking at me.

"I know you left your bike at school since we walked all the way here. I'll get you home and maybe tomorrow I'll drive you to school." He offered and I smiled hugging him.

"Thank you sehun." I backed off and we walked side by side all the way to the main road to see his manger waiting.

"Get in."


"Thanks again Sehun. I promise I owe you a fun and eventful day." I said and he smiled.

"I'm holding on to that promsie y/n~ssi."

I waved at him and watched the car fade into the darkness.

I checked the time to see it was 4 in the morning. I sighed and walked lazily towards my door.

I saw Nayeon on the couch the tv on and her eyes heavy.

"Hey." I said and locked the door behind me. She stood up and closed the tv.

I noticed her eyes were watery and re been crying for the last few hours.

"Y/n I'm so sorry. I'm just frustrated about everything and I didn't mean to bring up Mom. I-I fucked up and I can't take it back." Her eyes were screaming and begging for forgiveness.

"You don't have to say sorry unnie. It's not like you lied. I did kill mom. You just said the truth. There's nothing to be sorry of." I lightly tapped her shoulder and walked pass her.

Without even me and her turning around she spoke. "Dad is back in town... with caitlyn and all."

I felt my world crashing down. I clenched my fist and turned around to meet her eyes. "Does he know where we live?" I asked hoping she'd say no.

"Y/n you know our dad-"

"He is not my dad. He stopped being a father to me ever since he left us alone when Mom died. He's an asshole who is just trying to get back into our lives because we are now adults and Not some nagging babies." I said keepin my anger in. Nayeon looked at me with pity in her eyes.

"Y/n he still raised us. He fed us. he loves us. he taught us everything we needed to know about growing up." She fought. I was taken aback that she has the audacity to protect the monster who killed me inside.

"Why are you defending him? He doesn't deserve any of us. He left a scar on both our hearts and it fucking hurts. You just got over all the pain we went through because he reached out in like 15 years later? Fucking grow up and see the real world before letting him inside the fucking house."

I angrily left and went to my room. I wanted to shout and hurt someone. How dare he?

No one understands what I feel. How much that man hurts me. How I would feel when I see him again. No one except Jihyo knows my pain.

My phone rang and the caller was Jihyo. I answered.

"Hey... I heard about your dad coming back here and all. Are you doing okay?"

I smiled sadly and leaned on the wall. "I'll live Jihyo. What are you doing up it's like 4:30?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Then talk to me until you fall asleep. Just like old times."

I can feel Jihyo smiling over the phone as she excitedly gossip things about me. She always fall asleep first but this time I did. She was humming softly and We face timed as I lay in my bed. Her voice was soothing and she really sounded like an angel. A true angel sent from above.


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