Chapter thirty-one: Apologies

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Eli's POV

"Aren't you tired? You should take a nap, matthew.." I said caressing his hand.

Matthew could only look at my eyes lovingly like before. He was one to be cheesy and romantic.

"I'm not tired.. I want to talk to you like old times El." He confessed and I smiled at him lovingly.

I missed this feeling with him so much.

"Aren't you angry? The way I left and It took a toll on you. I made you turn on our kids.." I said holding a sob.

"It's okay my love. Caitlyn had barely visited me. I told her to take care of my business and she is probably taking it as a distraction for the pain. Chloe hasn't been doing well ever since she found out about mine and y/n's sickness. Nayeon is trying her best to be the strong sibling which I thank her so much for." He said in a low voice. He was weak. And I can feel it.

"Y/n... I don't even know. The way she saw me in here, almost lifeless... She sped off. I don't know what she feels about this. I don't want to jump to conclusions but I think she's hurting too. She was always best at hiding her feelings from the both of us since she was a kid." Matthew reminisced old memoried from me.

"I need to apologise to you elizabeth." He said out of the blue and I looked at him confused.

"What is there to apologise for?" I asked.

"I did bad things this past years. I was so blinded by power that I didn't realised I have been hurting our daughter y/n. I acted like I don't care about you anymore. I was trying my best to convince myself that I hate you. I was delusional to think that because it made me love you more. I always think that I'm stupid because I still love a dead woman. But I'm so sorry el... I said bad things about you that I-I regret so much..." Matthew started to cry that he could hardly breathe.

I shed some tears and sat beside him, consoling him. Matthew was never one to cry in front of anyone. Hell he didn't even want to cry in front of me when both his parents passed away. He acted like a strong father ever since Nayeon was born. This was the first time I ever saw him cry.

"Shh... You don't need to apologise. I understand. You need to calm down, Your heart might not take it well." I reminded him and he tried his best to stop crying in which he did.

"I love you too Matthew. I'm sorry for leaving you and the kids alone when You needed me most. I changed your point of view to everything you saw in life. I should be sorry." I said and matthew didn't argue because deep down he knew I was right.

"Since we're exchanging sorry's..." A voice appeared from the door making me look to see Y/n, who looked like she had been crying, because of her red eyes and black circle under her eyes.

"I'm sorry for pushing you away, Both of you." Y/n said and stayed in place.

"Come here y/n..." Matthew said and y/n walked towards us. When y/n was close enough to matthew he held her hand with his.

"Everything I did to you. Every little thing that made you broken and mad, I'm sorry. I know I have a lot of years to make up for it, But considering my case... I don't think it will work." Matt said and I looked down not wanting to cry.

"I want to let you know I'm so proud of everything You have achieved." He said with a smile. Y/n was already crying after the third sentence.

"I know I acted like a bad father to your sister and you, Which I deeply regret every hour. I was blind to see my daughters' pain because it reminded me of my own. I pushed away everything I saw except my work because I always thought that it would help me forget. If I work everyday until the day I die, to make it help me forget the pain... It's the worst decision I have ever made because of that I lost one of the precious thing god has given me... which is you and Nayeon. I love you both so much even when I don't let it show." He finished and I was already sobbing as was y/n.

"D-Dad..." Y/n wanted to also apologise but matthew shook his head with a sad smile.

"There's no need to apologise y/n. Everything has been forgotten."

Y/n hugged his father tears still flowing down her cheek. He whispered something to her ear that I couldn't hear. Y/n pulled away and faced me.

"Mom... I'm so sorry... I'm sorry for not believing you." She said and I cried and hugged her for it.

I tried to keep my posture on being a strong mom for her. "I know I know... I forgive you." I said my voice slowly breaking.

"I didn't mean anything I said.. I-I was just so frustrated and confused." She explained still. I smiled trying to stop my tears.

"Shhh... You're forgiven daughter." I said and she hugged me tightly.


Y/n's POV

"Yah stop taking pictures of me sleeping!" I said to Jihyo but she just laughed and closed her phone.

It's been two days since the day I visited father and mother that day. Everything has been going well.

"I can't help it. You're cute when sleeping. especially in my arms." She teased that made me blush.

"See? You love me." Jihyo pinched my right cheek making me groan.

"Stop teasing me." I pouted and Jihyo laughed.

"I can't help it, I love you." She said and kissed my lips for a quick second making me chase her for a long one.

These were the days I want to live everyday of my life. Not in a hospital or visiting my dad because he's sick. Gosh life is complicated.


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