chapter twenty: 'I Still love you...'

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Y/n's POV

"Yes Chloe I'm not leaving. I got to go now. Bye." I smiled ear to ear and hung up. She sounded drunk. But she knows better than to get drunk and go to the club alone. She's probably in her apartment.

I turned off my phone and looked around waiting for whoever called me out here. I wasn't suppose to go but I was curious on who the hell would want me to be miserable and act as my mother.

It's a cold dark night and she wants to meet in the park which is frustrating. I just stood here looking continuously on my phone, waiting for a call or something. I want to go home but my legs won't move to my car. I needed to know who wants to steal my mothers' identity, and what she wants to do with my life.

My mind almost told me to get the fuck out of here but I saw a woman In a black trench coat which was already creeping me out. She walked towards me and I kept my gaze on her.

"What do you want?" I asked crossing my arms. I couldn't see her face but I could tell she was grinning.

"You haven't changed for almost ten years
Y/n." She said and I could see her smile slowly turn into a warm one.

I stayed quiet. She sounded like her. It was too similar.

"Aren't you going to say something?" She asked her voice trembling. probably from the cold or from seeing me.

"Don't pretend to be her... Stop." I said getting angry.

"I am her y/n. I'm back." She had the audacity to smile at me even though I was raging.

"Don't fucking play with me. You are not my mother. My mother is dead. I watch her die!" I shouted relieving those horrible memories.


"Y/n... Stay under the table okay? No matter what happens Stay here." Mom said and I nodded innocently watching he lean towards me to kiss my head and leave.

Her eyes were watery. Just like how she would come home everyday.

I hugged both my knees and started to get scared because it was dead silent. I couldn't help it. I stood up and walked with my tiny feet, heading to the living room.

I keep walking and heard glass shattering. I ran silently towards the sound and saw eomma having an arguement with someone I'm not familiar with.

"My husband repaid his debt years ago!" Mom shouted her voice breaking. The man didn't move but just watched as my mom slowly breaking.

"You still owe me a couple million dollars. Consider this the payment." He pointed a gun at my mother and shot it blank. He quickly ran away and I ran fast to my mom.

"Mom... Don't do that." I said innocently and watch her close her eyes. My tears started to form in my eyes and I started to scream.

Soon caitlyn came running downstairs to see mothers' state. Everything happened in a blur.

That's the last memory of my mom that I remember...


"Think twice before you fool me." I spat and turned around.

I Got inside my car and my breathing is shaky. My heart keeps pounding unsteadily. I immidiately downed my meds and closed my eyes.

'Fuck this drama...'


'Im y/n, sister of Im nayeon, Part of an upcoming drama under jyp entertainment. Along with Park Jihyo, Our leading actress in korea. Click the link for more information.'

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