chapter eight: Still here love

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Y/n's POV

"What's there to talk about?" I asked after Jihyo practically dragged me all the way to
the bathroom.

"You know what. What's he doing back here?" She asked and I sighed and tried to get pass her to leave but she blocked my path.

"Ji, please move." I said and she shook her head, like I know she would.

"You can tell me anything. Your father is back and It hurts me to know I found it out from someone else other than my bestfriend telling me."

'Bestfriend.' I repeated in my head. I shook my head and chuckled.

"That's what I'm always going to be to you. Not anything else. It's my life Ji I don't need to tell every little thing about my life to you. Please move I don't want to say anything more harsh."

I didn't wait for her to talk and Just walked pass her which she let me. My heart hurts for everything I said. I shouldn't of have said that. I shook my head and Just walked to class.


Nayeon's POV

"You know she's never going to forgive you, right?" I said to chloe and she nodded.

"Ofcourse I know that. I just want to talk to
Y/n." She said pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Yeah, goodluck about that. I brought up Mom
in a bad timing and she ignored me for two months. Imagine what she'll do to you." I said and Chloe shook ber head.

"She'll listen." She said determined making me laugh.

"Really? Then why isn't she here right now?" I asked, crossing my arms.

She didn't answer. A few seconds flew by and Caitlyn walked in the room.

"Did you find her?" Chloe asked almost instantly. I looked at caitlyn and she shook her head.

"Hey cait, So glad to meet you again." I said sarcastically and caitlyn didn't speak. Her eyes screamed that she was guilty. That's because she is.

"Where is she Nayeon? I don't want to play games anymore." Chloe said and I rolled my eyes.

"She'll come home eventually. If she doesn't she's at her bestfriends' place probably crashing there for a night or two."

"Does she do it often? Sleep at someone elses I mean?" Chloe asked but I knew there was something else in her voice. She knows that I knew what she meant which made me feel disgusted.

"Are you kidding me? Y/n doesn't do that. If you really thought that way then she really doesn't deserve you at all."

I angrily walked out the room, Shutting the door loudly as I can and walked to the garage.

"What the hell are they even doing in my house?" I whispered to myself and drove to Jyp building.


I keep cursing in my head out of anger because of chloe and caitlyn. Dad being here is fine by me but those two, I can't stand them.

I was so in my head that I didn't notice someone looking at their phone as they keep walking until we bumped into each other.

"Sorry" I said immidiately and he chuckled picking up his phone from the floor.

"It's fine nayeon. Not broken." Sehun showed me his phone still looking good. But what's caught my eye is that he's texting y/n.

"She wants to meet up with you? For what?" I asked and Sehun chuckled nervously.

"She said she needs a distraction for something or someone, I guess." He said and showed me their text messages.

I sighed. "Take care of her tonight Sehun." I said and walked away.


Y/n's POV

"Dinner was great, Thanks Sehun." I said as we arrived in front of my house.

"No problem. If you need something I'm a call away." He flashed me a smile that I always adore.

I smiled warmly and exited his car on the way to my house.

I opened the main door with my phone in one hand. I hummed softly a music I have always loved. I closed and locked the door behind me and looked up to see Chloe.

My whole mood changed and I accidently dropped my phone breaking it to pieces. She looked at me with fear and excitement. I remained silent and we both just stare into one's eyes.

"You could never really get that song out of your head." She said with the same voice that I fell in love with years ago.

My heart beats rapidly in my chest as she spoke. She's still the same I knew her long ago. She's still the Chloe I would love.

"You're not going to talk?" She asked her voice breaking and her eyes starting to water from the emotional tension in the room.

My own emotions is turning their own backs on me. I can't do this. But I need to. I can't...

"What... are you doing here." I asked holding my own tears aback. My voice still emotionless and her tears fell.

"Y/n..." She said and I scoffed unbelievebly. I was in rage. How could she just appear like this.

"How could you do it?" I asked taking a step forward.

She remained silent. She knew what I was talking about. She could never tell me what's the reason if it's that important.

"How could you break my heart into a million pieces?" I asked taking another step forward. I was close to her. She stayed at her spot looking at me through her watery eyes.

"How could you leave when you know I was hurting. Hurting because of dad." I said our faces inches apart.

My mouth stopped moving and I couldn't think of anything rational to do. My breath is unstable and my eyes is searching for something.

"My necklace..." I whispered and looked at the ring attatched her neck.

It was a long time ago. I gave it to her on her birthday. But she still kept it.

She looked down on her neck and chuckled dryly. "Still here... Like I promised."

She held both my hands into hers. I felt electricity run through my hands to my body. It was the same feeling I loved years ago.

"You still felt it... I know you do y/n." She whispered as our faces were inches apart. I had my eyes closed trying to think of something else.

I felt her lips pressed against mine lovingly. I didn't protest and just moved the same rythm as her. I held her waist and pull her closer to me leaning on a wall. She kissed me aggresively like she would but I would always find the loving part of hers.


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