Chapter twenty-two: I'll wait

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Y/n's POV

"We'll release the first episode of 'Lovers' quarrel.' Later tonight at 9. Good work everyone."

I heard the director said and wiped my tears away. We just shot a dramatic and cringey scene with xiumin, and I need to cry for the shoot so I did.

"Hey that was cool back there. How did you learn to cry easily?" Xiumin said and wiped his hair, drying it. It 'rained' so... yeah.

"Just focus on emotional things." I said truthfully and smiled.

"You should give me some tips some time. You're a lot better actor than me." Xiumin said and smiled one last time before he got called from his manager. I waved goodbye and grabbed my phone.

There's a dozen messages from Tzuyu... But how the hell did she get my number?

Y/n It's Tzuyu text me back

-I'm not kidding call me or text asap

-I got your number from solar, She's my cousin now call me.

(Missed call from unknown 12 times)

"Fuck..." I whispered and dialed her. Before I can hear it ring she answered it.

"Y/n Y/Sn Im where are you?"

I laughed nervously. Tzuyu's voice sounded more mature than mine. "Who's speaking?"

"Cut bullshit Y/n, I want to see my bestfriend." She said and I smiled.

"You changed." I said and I heard her scoff.

"Everybody changed y/n. You're just too dumb enought to see."

"You're watching me?" I asked

"No, I just heard someone complaining about you and how you're dumb enough not to notice someone following you."

"You had someone following me?" I asked cautiously

"Your friend did. Not saying her name, It's irrelevant. But where are you anyways?" Tzu asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes pabo." She said making me stop moving.

"You can see me?" I asked and looked around. "Why the hell are you asking where I am when you're spying on me"

"I'm not spying, and for the record I wanted to see if you were telling the truth." Tzu said and It hit a nerve.

"Well... I didn't say where I am... If you're going to insult me, Stop calling me then." I dropped the call and entered my car racing dowm the road.

I didn't care if Tzuyu was following me, Not sure she is because I'm literally passing every car I pass to. Despite feeling every nerve in my body jump from the adrenaline that was going in me because of the speed, It didn't top of the feeling of having my hands held on tight on my motorcycle's handle. Everytime I would stop at my destination, missing that cool air hitting my face every race I down the road.

This time the same adrenaline came rushing to me. The very same feeling I had... My hands were taking me to Jihyo's apartment, which was weird because her car is there. She shouldn't be here.. She should have moved houses.

I stepped on the brakes, almost hitting me face on the steering wheel. I huffed out a sigh and closed my engine, the same time I opened my car door. I walked gently but fast towards Jihyo's apartment door.

I held my hand up into a ball fist, ready to knock, hoping she'd be awake. Wishing that she would show her warm smile that would make me melt in every way she can because I love her.

But realization and reality came up to me, I dropped my hand to my side and sighed while having my eyes closed. I turned around but my feet couldn't move an inch.

Bad timing also because the door behind me opened. Her voice was soothing and it reached my heart making it jump.

"Y/n?" her voice was slurring and it made me wonder if she was drunk.

I turned around and my guess was right. Her buttoned up night gown was messy and she had been crying. I saw behind her to see a bottle of two wine was set down on the coffee table.

I sighed. "Why are you drunk Ji?" I asked, I knew she's drunk and I shouldn't be taking advantage of it... But I can't help it. I missed late night talking to the woman I love.

"Why are you here?" She asked but in a calm tone. "I think we had too many words exchange two days ago." She smiled like it was funny.

I found myself melting at the scene. I never saw her smile again so sue me.

"Let's get you inside, It's cold out here." I offered and she didn't hesitate to walk back in her house.

I walked inside and closed the door behind me. I turned to see Jihyo and she was already passed out on her couch. I smiled warmly upon seeing her so peaceful.

She didn't need my help so I turned around and held the door knob ready to head out.

"Y/n...?" She called out and I turned around to see her eyes still closed. I sighed and walked towards her.

I kneeled down at the floor and watch Jihyo sleep. It sounds creepy in a way, but watching her in peace is what I wanted.

"Are you going to leave me again...?" Jihyo asked her eyes barely open.

My eyes widen and I cleared my throat. "I'll go home Ji..." I stood up again.

"I'm sober y/n. And I'm asking properly." Her voice sounded more stern and mature. She has her serious voice and I just sighed.

"Ofcourse I'm not leaving again. I came back for a reason." I said truthfully.

"Why are you like this y/n? Leaving me the moment I realize that I loved you? That just sucks." Jihyo confessed and my heart stopped.

"Y-You what?" I asked making sure i'm not hearing things.

Jihyo smiled warmly. "I still do."

Before any words come out my mouth Jihyo pushed me to the couch and kissed me. For a second it was quick. But then she looked deeply into my eyes and kiss me more lovingly.

My mind was out of my head, literally. I couldn't move and I even though I'm dreaming.

"Are you going to kiss me back or stay there frozen?"

"Don't do that..." I whispered slowly backing away. Jihyo can only look at me confusingly.

"That day we talked. You made it perfectly clear that you hate me for leaving. Why stop now?" I asked with tears in my eyes. I want this to happen. But I know deep down this doesn't feel right.

Jihyo looked at me, her eyes seemed lost and at need. I wanted to hug her, feel her warm lips against mine for comfort. But I must control myself and talk this like an adult, not run away from it like a child.

"If you think I meant every word I said, then you must be delusional. Ask chaeyoung, I've loved you ever since the day you left. I felt lost by the fact my best friend left my side. Sure I hated you because you left but you're back." Jihyo was talking more deeply into this conversation.

"I've always loves you beyond that Ji.. But I think we need time to get to know each other again. I have changed, so do you. I hope you understand."

As much it hurts me to choose this, I have to. Jihyo doesn't know what I have been doing in Japan and I have no idea how she's an actress or how her life has been. As much as it pains me to be near her but I can't show my love for her freely, I have to. for both our sake.

"Then I'll wait for a few more months. I've waited for years. What's a few months to me?" Jihyo said holding both my hands.

I smiled. I'm keeping a huge secret from you about my health jihyo, and I don't know how to tell you that I'm going to die.


So so so so sorry for the late update! My mind was so out of it this month that I forgot to write my book.

So I did you guys a good news between Jihyo and Y/n😊.

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