chapter six: lost

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Y/n's POV

"Erase that right now." I said and tried to get Jihyo's phone but she keeps blocking me.

"you look so cute here." Jihyo cooed while showing me my photo from last night.

She took a photo while I fell asleep the time when we were facetiming. I looked so weird while sleeping but she took a pic anyways.

"Jihyoo~" I whined like a child and kept trying to get her phone.

"Nu-uh do you remember when you took a photo of me when I was sleeping?"

I chuckled and kept trying to get my phone but it was no use.

"That was a different story, you were beautiful there and I look like a moron." I argued and chaeyoung just laughed behind me.

"Fine here." Jihyo smiled innocently and gave me her phone.

It was locked but she should know better than to give her phone to her bestfriend.

"Ji we've been friends for years and I certainly know everything about you." I unlocked her phone and a picture of us taken from years ago in a bar was set as her wallpaper.

I froze and memories from that night came rushing back. We looked so happy and out of world that day and I honestly don't even know who took that pic of us.

Before I could say anything (which I couldn't) Jihyo took my phone from my hands.

"Should've been more faster"

"Damn it." I said and rolled my eyes

"It's alright. I'm sure Jihyo would be crazy drunk enough tonight to delete that photo." Chaeyoung sarcastically said while having a smirk on her face.

"What's happening tonight?" I asked and crossed my arms as I lean on a wall.

"Jeon jungkook Is throwing a party at his beach hou- No. His father's beach house tonight. Jihyo said she'll come and I... am bored." Chaeyoung lied about the first part.

"Uh huh. Jihyo is your boyfriend coming to the party?" I asked and Jihyo shook her head disappointedly.

"Daniel and his family has plans tonight." Jihyo explained without the full details. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity.

"So that's his name." I said in a meaningful tone. Jihyo looked confused for a second and shrugged it off.

"Daniel and His family don't get along. I wonder what's going to happen." She said and I chuckled.

"Don't tell me you really like the dude?" I asked half jokingly half hurt. Hoping she'd laugh and say 'ofcourse not'.

"It doesn't matter... I need to go to class. See you later guys." Jihyo grabbed her bag from the ground and walked the other direction without sparing a look at me.

"Daniel is catholic." Chaeyoung said beside me and I scoffed.

"No wonder Jihyo likes him." I said in an annoyed tone.

"We both know how strict Jihyo's dad is. Daniel is the first guy Mr. park ever liked for his daughter. Believe me Jihyo even said it." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked looking at chaeng.

"Nothing... I know you like her and might want some information about them chill."

"I don't need Jihyo to love me. I just need her to see how much." I said and walked away, but this time I was planning on leaving the school.

"Y/n!" Chaeyoung shouted behind me. the tone on which screamed sorry.


I threw my keys on the table and took my jacket off before throwing it to the couch. I sighed and grabbed a glass pouring alcohol in it.

I drinked it whole and closed my eyes trying to relax.

"You drink like your mother y/n."

My hand gripped harder on the glass. I opened my eyes and saw the one person in my life that I don't need.

"Who are you to judge father? It's not like mother would be here to grab this glass off my hands." I said sarcastically still having it on my hands.

"Where's your sister?" He asked not even asking how am I.

I scoffed and put the glass down beside me. "None of your concern."

"I am not asking y/n. Where is Nayeon?" He demanded and I laughed.

My laugh died down and my smile faded. "You don't deserve to get back on our lives. You don't deserve anything." I said in a low voice taunting him.

He is irritated that made me smile mockingly.

"You've been gone for years father. Everything changed. Including both of your daughters. Well one of them hates you and the other forgives you... I'm sure you know which I am right?"

He didn't spoke and gave me a chance to turn around and started to walk away.

"Caitlyn is here... along with Chloe."

I stopped in my tracks when I heard chloe.. I closed my eyes and turned around with anger and rage in my eyes. I stompped towards the glass and threw it hard on the wall beside him.

"Chloe is gone... She's off radar. she disappeared because you scared her off. She found me 7 years ago claiming to be a sister of mine. You fucking found out and slapped her... You slapped the woman I loved... all because she found your past."

"Y/n, chloe's here-"

"Shut up! I don't want your lies! I don't need you! So get out of my fucking life already!" I shouted in pure rage that he went silent.

I weakingly grabbed my keys from my bike and left.


Jihyo's POV

"It's 7 o'clock. Where are you?" I held my phone against my ear as I walk a little far away from blasting musics.

"Somewhere... don't worry about me Ji, just have fun at the party."

"Y/n wait-"

Before I can ask what's wrong she hung up. I cursed under my breath and tried calling her one more time but it ended up to voice mail.

I started to panic thinking she might do something rational like last year. I walked fast to rosé and grabbed her hand.

"I need you to drive me somewhere." I said and roseanne didn't say anything.

"It's y/n." I said and she sighed and nodded. I followed her to the parking.

My hands were shaking as I tried to find Nayeon unnie's number. I entered her car and finally found unnie's number.

"where to?" She asked

"Han river.." I said and my phone rang.

I immidiately picked up when I saw who the caller is.

"Y/n, where are you?" I asked without missing a beat.

I heard a few cars passing by and a cruise honking. I knew it. She's in han river.

"You already know don't you ji? You always know everything about me." Her voice sounded different. She's drunk.

"Y/n... you're drunk aren't you?" I asked and roseanne looked at me for a split second before driving faster.

"You always know..." Her voice gets farther and farther from her phone. almost like she's about to pass out

"Drive faster roseanne." I said and she did so.


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